(RULE 14C-101)

Information  Statement Pursuant to Section 14(c) of the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934 
                               (Amendment No. 1)

Check the appropriate box:

[X]     Preliminary Information Statement
[ ]     Definitive Information Statement
[ ]     Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14c-5

                           Applied DNA Sciences, Inc.
                (Name of Registrant As Specified In Its Charter)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the Appropriate Box):

[X]     No fee required
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14c-5(g) and 0-11.

          (1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

          (2)  Aggregate number of securities to which the transaction applies:

          (3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

          (4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          (5)  Total fee paid:
[   ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

[ ] check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          (1) Amount previously paid:

          (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

          (3) Filing Party:

          (4) Date Filed:

                           APPLIED DNA SCIENCES, INC.
                        9229 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 830
                          Los Angeles, California 90069

                              INFORMATION STATEMENT
                             PURSUANT TO SECTION 14
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                        WE ARE NOT ASKING YOU FOR A PROXY

                                                           Los Angeles, CA
                                                           *, 2005

     This  information  statement  has been  mailed  on or about *,  2005 to the
stockholders  of record on *, 2005 (the "Record  Date") of Applied DNA Sciences,
Inc., a Nevada corporation (the "Company") in connection with certain actions to
be taken by the written  consent by the  majority  stockholders  of the Company,
dated as of February 14, 2005.  The actions to be taken  pursuant to the written
consent  shall be taken on or about *, 2005,  20 days after the  mailing of this
information statement.


                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         /s/ Robin B. Hutchison
                                         Robin B. Hutchison
                                         Chairman of the Board


14, 2005

To Our Stockholders:

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following  action will be taken pursuant to
a written consent of a majority of stockholders dated February 14, 2005, in lieu
of a special meeting of the stockholders.  Such action will be taken on or about
*, 2005:

     1. To Amend  the  Company's  Articles  of  Incorporation,  as  amended,  to
increase the number of  authorized  shares of common  stock,  par value $.50 per
share  (the  "Common  Stock"),   of  the  Company  from  100,000,000  shares  to

     2. To Amend the Company's Articles of Incorporation, as amended, to the par
value of the Common Stock of the Company from $.50 per share to $.001 per share;

     3. To ratify the  selection  of Russell  Bedford  Stefanou  Mirchandani  as
independent registered public accounting firm of the Company for the year ending
September 30, 2005;

     4. To elect five  directors to the Company's  Board of  Directors,  to hold
office until their  successors  are elected and qualified or until their earlier
resignation or removal; and

     5. To adopt the Company's 2005 Incentive Stock Plan.


     As of the Record Date, the Company's authorized capitalization consisted of
100,000,000  shares  of  Common  Stock,  of  which  *  shares  were  issued  and
outstanding  as of the Record Date.  Holders of Common Stock of the Company have
no preemptive  rights to acquire or subscribe to any of the additional shares of
Common Stock.

     Each share of Common  Stock  entitles its holder to one vote on each matter
submitted to the stockholders.  However, because stockholders holding at least a
majority of the voting rights of all  outstanding  shares of capital stock as of
February 14, 2005 have voted in favor of the  foregoing  proposals by resolution
dated  February 14,  2005;  and having  sufficient  voting power to approve such
proposals  through  their  ownership  of  capital  stock,  no other  stockholder
consents will be solicited in connection with this Information Statement.

     Pursuant  to Rule  14c-2  under the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as
amended,  the proposals  will not be adopted until a date at least 20 days after
the  date  on  which  this   Information   Statement  has  been  mailed  to  the
stockholders.  The Company anticipates that the actions contemplated herein will
be effected on or about the close of business on *, 2005.

     The  Company  has  asked  brokers  and  other   custodians,   nominees  and
fiduciaries to forward this  Information  Statement to the beneficial  owners of
the Common Stock held of record by such persons and will  reimburse such persons
for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in forwarding such material.

     This  Information  Statement will serve as written  notice to  stockholders
pursuant to Section 78.370 of the Nevada General Corporation Law.



     On February 14, 2005, the majority  stockholders of the Company approved an
amendment to the Company's  Articles of Incorporation,  as amended,  to increase
the number of authorized shares of Common Stock from 100,000,000 to 250,000,000.
The Company  currently has authorized  capital stock of  100,000,000  shares and
approximately  * shares of Common Stock are  outstanding  as of the Record Date.
The Board  believes that the increase in authorized  common shares would provide
the Company greater  flexibility with respect to the Company's capital structure
for such purposes as additional equity financing, and stock based acquisitions.


     The terms of the  additional  shares of Common  Stock will be  identical to
those of the  currently  outstanding  shares of Common Stock.  However,  because
holders of Common Stock have no  preemptive  rights to purchase or subscribe for
any unissued stock of the Company,  the issuance of additional  shares of Common
Stock will reduce the current stockholders' percentage ownership interest in the
total  outstanding  shares of Common Stock.  This  amendment and the creation of
additional  shares of authorized  common stock will not alter the current number
of issued shares.  The relative  rights and  limitations of the shares of Common
Stock will remain unchanged under this amendment.

     As of the  Record  Date,  a total of * shares  of the  Company's  currently
authorized  100,000,000  shares of Common Stock are issued and outstanding.  The
increase in the number of authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock would
enable the Company,  without further stockholder  approval, to issue shares from
time to time as may be required for proper  business  purposes,  such as raising
additional  capital for ongoing  operations,  business  and asset  acquisitions,
stock splits and dividends,  present and future  employee  benefit  programs and
other corporate purposes.

     The proposed  increase in the  authorized  number of shares of Common Stock
could have a number of effects on the Company's  stockholders depending upon the
exact  nature  and  circumstances  of any actual  issuances  of  authorized  but
unissued  shares.  The  increase  could have an  anti-takeover  effect,  in that
additional  shares could be issued (within the limits imposed by applicable law)
in one or more  transactions  that could make a change in control or takeover of
the Company more difficult.  For example,  additional  shares could be issued by
the  Company so as to dilute  the stock  ownership  or voting  rights of persons
seeking to obtain control of the Company,  even if the persons seeking to obtain
control  of the  Company  offer an  above-market  premium  that is  favored by a
majority of the independent shareholders.  Similarly, the issuance of additional
shares to certain  persons allied with the Company's  management  could have the
effect of making it more difficult to remove the Company's current management by
diluting the stock  ownership or voting rights of persons  seeking to cause such
removal.  The  Company  does not have any other  provisions  in its  articles or
incorporation,  by-laws,  employment agreements,  credit agreements or any other
documents  that have  material  anti-takeover  consequences.  Additionally,  the
Company has no plans or proposals to adopt other  provisions or enter into other
arrangements,  except as disclosed below,  that may have material  anti-takeover
consequences.   The  Board  of  Directors  is  not  aware  of  any  attempt,  or
contemplated  attempt,  to acquire control of the Company,  and this proposal is
not being  presented  with the  intent  that it be  utilized  as a type of anti-
takeover device.

     Except  for the  following,  there are  currently  no plans,  arrangements,
commitments  or  understandings  for the  issuance of the  additional  shares of
Common Stock which are proposed to be authorized:

     o    Acquisition of Biowell Technology, Inc.

     On January 28, 2005, the Company  entered into a stock  purchase  agreement
     (the  "Agreement")  with  Biowell  Technology  Inc.,  a Taiwan  corporation
     ("Biowell"),  whereby a to-be-formed wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company
     would  acquire  a  company  to  be  formed  which  would  own  all  of  the
     intellectual  property of Biowell (the  "Acquired  Assets") in exchange for
     36,000,000 shares of the Company's common stock (the "Acquisition  Shares")
     to be  issued  to the  shareholders  of  Biowell.  The  Acquisition  Shares
     represent 50% of the total shares issued and outstanding on a fully diluted
     basis  on the  date of  execution  of the  Agreement.  The  closing  of the
     acquisition  ("Closing")  is  subject  to  numerous  terms and  conditions,

          1)   due  diligence  review  of  Biowell's  intellectual  property  by
               intellectual  property counsel to the Company and the issuance of
               a report and opinion by such counsel satisfactory to the Company;


          2)   release of encumbrances on the Acquired Assets;

          3)   the formation of and sale of the Acquired  Assets from Biowell to
               a British Virgin Islands company;

          4)   amendments to an agreement  between Company and Giuliani Partners
               LLC, dated as of August 3, 2004;

          5)   reorganization of the Board of Directors of the Company;

          6)   formation  of a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of the  Company in the
               British Virgin Islands; and

          7)   such other customary  representations,  warranties and conditions
               customary to transactions of this nature.

     In the event  that the  Closing  has not  occurred  on or prior to July 31,
     2005, either party may terminate the Agreement.  In addition, the Agreement
     may be terminated by the written consent of both parties or unilaterally by
     either  party upon a material  violation  or breach by the other party that
     has not been cured within 10 business  days of notice of such  violation or

     In connection with the Closing,  the parties will also enter into a license
     agreement,  whereby the Company will grant Biowell an exclusive  license to
     market  and  sell the  Company's  products  in  selected  Asian  countries,
     employment  agreements  for  key  employees  of  Biowell,   non-competition
     agreements and a pledge agreement by the Company.

     Biowell owns proprietary DNA-embedded  biotechnology solutions that protect
     corporate and intellectual  property from  counterfeiting,  fraud,  piracy,
     product  diversion  and  unauthorized  intrusion.  Biowell  offers  a  cost
     effective  method  to  detect,   deter,   interdict  and  prosecute  global
     counterfeiting  organizations.  Biowell provides  proprietary  DNA-embedded
     biotechnology  solutions to companies to protect corporate and intellectual
     property  from  counterfeiting,   fraud,  piracy,   product  diversion  and
     unauthorized  intrusion.  Biowell uses synthetically  created DNA fragments
     that have unique characteristics and one-of-a-kind sequences. Using various
     anti-counterfeit  technologies,  such as ink, microchips,  glue, paints and
     DNA-Holograms,  Biowell can  authenticate  the DNA fragments to ensure that
     the product has not been counterfeited or tampered with.

     The  Company  currently  has the  exclusive  license to sell,  market,  and
     sub-license  all of Biowell  Technology,  Inc.'s DNA  anti-counterfeit  and
     fraud  prevention  biotechnology  and  products in the United  States,  the
     European Union, Canada, Mexico,  Colombia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
     Emirates.  The  exclusive  license for a period of 15 year,  also gives the
     Company the initial rights to future anti-fraud  biotechnologies  developed
     by Biowell and also new applications  for the existing  technology that may
     be developed for the marketplace as long as the license  agreement  remains
     in effect.  The Company and Biowell have filed one joint provisional patent
     application  (60/463215) with the USPTO. In consideration  for the granting
     of the  exclusive  license,  Biowell  received  1.5  million  shares of the
     Company's common stock, with the option to purchase another 500,000 shares.
     In return,  the Company  received the option to purchase  500,000 shares of
     Biowell common stock.

     o 2005 Incentive Stock Plan

     On February 14, 2005, the majority stockholders approved the 2005 Incentive
     Stock Plan and authorized 16,000,000 shares of common stock for issuance of
     stock awards and stock options thereunder. See "2005 Incentive Stock Plan."



     On February 14, 2005, the majority  stockholders of the Company approved an
amendment to the Company's  Articles of Incorporation,  as amended,  to decrease
the par value of the common  stock of the  Company  from $.50 per share to $.001
per share.  The Company  currently has  authorized  capital stock of 100,000,000
shares and approximately 36,505,691 shares of Common Stock are outstanding as of
the Record Date.

     The proposed  reduction in the par value per share of the Company's capital
stock is  intended  to bring  the  Company  in line with the  practice  of other
corporations  that already have reduced par value stock. The proposed  reduction
in par value for the  common  stock  would be  effected  by a  reduction  in the
capital  stock  account  on the  Company's  balance  sheet  and a  corresponding
increase in the additional  paid-in (or surplus)  capital account and thus would
have no impact on the Company's  capital  structure.  The reduction in par value
would not reduce the ownership interests of stockholders,  nor would it have any
other impact on the rights and  privileges of the holders of common stock (other
than in the  reduction  of par  value).  The  reduction  in par  value per share
reduces the amount  required  to be carried by the  Company as capital,  thereby
potentially increasing the Company's surplus capital available for dividends and
other distributions and for other corporate purposes.



     The Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors  has  appointed  the firm of
Russell Bedford Stefanou  Mirchandani LLP as the independent  registered  public
accounting  firm of the Company  for the year  ending  September  30,  2005.  On
February 14, 2005, the majority  stockholders  ratified the selection of Russell
Bedford Stefanou Mirchandani LLP as the independent registered public accounting
firm of the Company for the year ending September 30, 2005.

Review of the Company's audited  financial  statements for the fiscal year ended
September 30, 2004

     The  Audit  Committee  met and held  discussions  with  management  and the
independent  auditors.  Management  represented to the Audit  Committee that the
Company's  consolidated  financial  statements  were prepared in accordance with
accounting  principles  generally  accepted in the United States,  and the Audit
Committee  reviewed and discussed the  consolidated  financial  statements  with
management and the independent auditors. The Audit Committee also discussed with
the  independent  auditors the matters  required to be discussed by Statement on
Auditing Standards No. 61 (Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards,  AU
380), as amended.

     In addition,  the Audit Committee  discussed with the independent  auditors
the  auditors'  independence  from  the  Company  and  its  management,  and the
independent auditors provided to the Audit Committee the written disclosures and
letter required by the Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence
Discussions With Audit Committees).

     The Audit Committee  discussed with the Company's  internal and independent
auditors  the overall  scope and plans for their  respective  audits.  The Audit
Committee  met with the  internal  and  independent  auditors,  with and without
management present, to discuss the results of their examinations, the evaluation
of the Company's  internal  controls,  and the overall  quality of the Company's
financial reporting.

     Based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee
recommended  to the Board of  Directors,  and the Board has  approved,  that the
audited financial  statements be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form
10-KSB for the year ended September 30, 2003, for filing with the Securities and
Exchange Commission.

Audit Fees

     The  aggregate  fees  billed by our  auditors,  for  professional  services
rendered for the audit of the  Company's  annual  financial  statements  for the
years ended  September  30, 2004 and 2003,  and for the reviews of the financial
statements included in the Company's Quarterly Reports on Form 10-QSB during the
fiscal years were $120,433 and $17,925, respectively.

Tax Fees

     Russell Bedford  Stefanou  Mirchandani LLP did not bill the Company for tax
related work during fiscal years 2004 or 2003.

All Other Fees

     Russell Bedford  Stefanou  Mirchandani LLP did not bill the Company for any
other services during fiscal years 2004 or 2003.

     The Audit  Committee  has  considered  whether the  provision  of non-audit
services is compatible with maintaining the principal accountant's independence.


                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     On February 14,  2005,  the majority  stockholders  of the Company  elected
Robin B. Hutchison, PeterBrockelsby, Michael Hill, Lawrence Lee and Ron Erickson
to the  Company's  Board  of  Directors  for a term of one  year.  Following  is
information  about each director,  including  biographical data for at least the
last five years.

     The Board is  responsible  for  supervision  of the overall  affairs of the
Company.  In fiscal 2004, the Board's business was conducted at approximately 11
meetings of the board of  directors.  The Board now consists of five  directors.
The term of each  director  continues  until the next  annual  meeting  or until
successors are elected. The directors are:

Name                    Age    Position
Robin B. Hutchison      48     Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board
Peter Brockelsby        54     President and Director
Michael Hill            44     Director
Lawrence Lee            44     Chief Technology Strategist and Director
Ron Erickson            60     Director

Robin Hutchison

     In November 2003, Robin "Rob" Hutchison  joined our Board of Directors.  On
December 12, 2003, he was appointed  Chairman of the Board and on March 1, 2004,
he was appointed Chief Executive  Officer.  Previously,  Mr. Hutchison served on
Board of Directors of PowerHouse Technologies Group, Inc., a developer of mobile
computing  solutions that enhance  personal  productivity.  He is the founder of
several  companies,   including  eCharge  Corporation  of  Seattle,  Washington,
specialists  in  alternative  payment  methods for the Internet.  Mr.  Hutchison
served as eCharge's president and chief technical officer.

     Prior to co-founding  eCharge,  Mr. Hutchison was president of Canada-based
SNI Corporation,  specialists in the integration of SUN Microsystems  UNIX-based
systems and Internet and computer firewall  security.  Mr. Hutchison also served
as the western regional  director of sales and operations for Everex Canada Inc.
and as vice president and co-founder of Vivox International Inc.

     Mr. Hutchison remains on the Board of Directors of eCharge. He retired from
that  company  in 2002 to assist in the  development  of several  start-ups  and
mature technology companies,  including Bit Learning, Via Vis Technologies Inc.,
One Person Health Inc. and Applied DNA Canada.  Mr. Hutchison is a member of the
Board  of  Directors  of  Golden   Goliath   Resources   and  Serebra   Learning

Peter Brockelsby

     On June 2, 2004, the Company  announced the appointment of Peter Brockelsby
as President of Applied DNA Sciences,  Inc.  reporting  directly to the Board of

     In 1977,  after seven years service as a commissioned  officer in the Royal
Air Force,  Brocklesby  left to become  Director of Logistics  for Air Asia (Air
America),  a US defense  contractor.  Air Asia was acquired by E-Systems Inc., a
defense contractor and appointed Brocklesby Vice President of Marketing.

     As  an  independent   businessman,   Brocklesby   developed   sophisticated
electronics  systems for commercial  aircraft in a joint-venture with Plessey, a
multi-billion dollar defense contractor and avionics manufacturer.


Larry Lee

     Larry Lee served as President,  CEO and Director from  September of 2002 to
March 1, 2004, when he assumed the role of Chief Technology Strategist.

     Prior to becoming president and CEO of the Company, Lee has held management
positions  at Hughes  Aircraft,  Boeing and  General  Motors  where he worked on
innovative and cutting-edge new technology.

     Lee currently  serves on the board of advisors  and/or partners for several
U.S. and  international  companies  including:  Dery Resources Inc.; IMC; and VO
Management, LLC.

     Lee  has a  Master  of  Science  in  Computer/Electronic  Engineering  from
California State  University and a Bachelor of Science in  Mechanical/Biomedical
Engineering  from  Virginia  Tech.  He has also  received  advanced  training in
Business  Executive  Management and Finance from  University of California,  Los
Angeles and the Hughes Education Center.

Michael E. Hill

     Hill is  currently  a major  shareholder  in a west coast  commercial  real
estate company and retail chain.  He is also serving as the trustee and governor
for the Shawnigan  Lake School,  a top ranked,  international  private school in

     Previous to joining the Applied DNA Sciences  team,  Hill was an Investment
Banker at Research Capital from 1997-2002 where he managed a portfolio exceeding
$300 million.  Prior to working with Research  Capital,  Hill performed  similar
tasks with Scotia Capital  Markets and Burns Fry Ltd. He was employed with these
companies from 1987 until 1997.

Ronald P. Erickson

     In January  2004,  Mr.  Erickson was  appointed to the  Company's  Board of
Directors.  From 1997 through the present,  Mr.  Erickson served as Chairman and
Chief  Executive  Officer  of  eCharge   Corporation  in  Seattle,   Washington.
Previously,  from 1995 through 1997,  he served as Chairman and Chief  Executive
Officer of Globaltel Resources,  Inc., an international  telecommunications  and
networking company.  From 1992 through 1994, he was Chairman,  Interim President
and Chief Executive Officer of Egghead Software, Inc. in Issaquah, Washington.

Directors are elected at each meeting of stockholders  and hold office until the
next annual meeting of stockholders and the election and qualifications of their
successors. Executive officers are elected by and serve at the discretion of the
board of directors.


                            2005 INCENTIVE STOCK PLAN

     On February 14, 2005, the majority stockholders approved the 2005 Incentive
Stock  Plan (the "2005  Incentive  Plan") and  authorized  16,000,000  shares of
Common  Stock for  issuance of stock awards and stock  options  thereunder.  The
following is a summary of principal  features of the 2005  Incentive  Plan.  The
summary,  however,  does not  purport  to be a complete  description  of all the
provisions of the 2005 Incentive Plan. Any stockholder of the Company who wishes
to obtain a copy of the actual plan  document may do so upon written  request to
the  Company's  Secretary  at  the  Company's  principal  offices,  Applied  DNA
Sciences, Inc., 9229 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 830, Los Angeles, California 90069.


     The 2005 Incentive Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors. The Board of
Directors has initially reserved  16,000,000 shares of Common Stock for issuance
under the 2005 Incentive Plan. Under the Plan,  options may be granted which are
intended to qualify as Incentive Stock Options ("ISOs") under Section 422 of the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986  (the  "Code")  or  which  are not  ("Non-ISOs")
intended to qualify as Incentive Stock Options thereunder.

     The 2005  Incentive  Plan and the right of  participants  to make purchases
thereunder  are intended to qualify as an "employee  stock  purchase plan" under
Section 423 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").  The
2005 Incentive Plan is not a qualified deferred  compensation plan under Section
401(a) of the Internal  Revenue Code and is not subject to the provisions of the
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA").


     The primary purpose of the 2005 Incentive Plan is to attract and retain the
best  available  personnel  for the Company by granting  stock  awards and stock
options  in order to  promote  the  success  of the  Company's  business  and to
facilitate the ownership of the Company's stock by employees.  In the event that
the 2005  Incentive  Plan is not  adopted  the  Company  may  have  considerable
difficulty in attracting and retaining qualified personnel,  officers, directors
and consultants.


     The 2005  Incentive  Plan will be  administered  by the Company's  Board of
Directors,  as the Board of  Directors  may be composed  from time to time.  All
questions of  interpretation  of the 2005  Incentive  Plan are determined by the
Board,  and its  decisions  are final and  binding  upon all  participants.  Any
determination  by a majority  of the  members of the Board of  Directors  at any
meeting,  or by written  consent  in lieu of a meeting,  shall be deemed to have
been made by the whole Board of Directors.

     Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  the Board of Directors may at any time, or
from time to time, appoint a committee (the "Committee") of at least two members
of the Board of  Directors,  and delegate to the  Committee the authority of the
Board of Directors to administer the Plan. Upon such appointment and delegation,
the Committee  shall have all the powers,  privileges and duties of the Board of
Directors,  and  shall  be  substituted  for  the  Board  of  Directors,  in the
administration of the Plan, subject to certain limitations.

     Members of the Board of Directors who are eligible  employees are permitted
to  participate  in the 2005  Incentive  Plan,  provided  that any such eligible
member  may not vote on any  matter  affecting  the  administration  of the 2005
Incentive  Plan or the grant of any stock  award or  option  pursuant  to it, or
serve on a committee  appointed to administer  the 2005  Incentive  Plan. In the
event  that  any  member  of  the  Board  of  Directors  is at  any  time  not a
"disinterested  person", as defined in Rule 16b-3(c)(3)(i)  promulgated pursuant
to the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the Plan shall not be  administered  by
the Board of Directors,  and may only by  administered  by a Committee,  all the
members of which are disinterested persons, as so defined.


     Under the 2005 Incentive  Plan,  stock awards and options may be granted to
key employees, officers, directors or consultants of the Company, as provided in
the 2005 Incentive Plan.


Terms of Options

     The term of each  Option  granted  under the Plan shall be  contained  in a
stock option agreement between the Optionee and the Company and such terms shall
be determined by the Board of Directors  consistent  with the  provisions of the
Plan, including the following:

     (a) PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price of the Common Shares subject to each
ISO  shall  not be less  than the fair  market  value  (as set forth in the 2005
Incentive  Plan),  or in  the  case  of  the  grant  of an  ISO  to a  Principal
Stockholder,  not less that 110% of fair market  value of such Common  Shares at
the time such Option is granted. The purchase price of the Common Shares subject
to each Non-ISO shall be  determined at the time such Option is granted,  but in
no case less than 85% of the fair market value of such Common Shares at the time
such Option is granted.

     (b) VESTING.  The dates on which each Option (or portion  thereof) shall be
exercisable  and the  conditions  precedent to such  exercise,  if any, shall be
fixed by the Board of Directors,  in its discretion,  at the time such Option is

     (c)  EXPIRATION.  The expiration of each Option shall be fixed by the Board
of Directors,  in its discretion,  at the time such Option is granted;  however,
unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors at the time such Option is
granted,  an Option  shall be  exercisable  for ten (10) years after the date on
which it was granted (the "Grant Date"). Each Option shall be subject to earlier
termination as expressly provided in the 2005 Incentive Plan or as determined by
the Board of Directors, in its discretion, at the time such Option is granted.

     (d) TRANSFERABILITY. No Option shall be transferable, except by will or the
laws of descent and  distribution,  and any Option may be  exercised  during the
lifetime of the Optionee only by him. No Option  granted under the Plan shall be
subject to execution, attachment or other process.

     (e)  OPTION  ADJUSTMENTS.  The  aggregate  number and class of shares as to
which Options may be granted under the Plan, the number and class shares covered
by each outstanding Option and the exercise price per share thereof (but not the
total price), and all such Options,  shall each be proportionately  adjusted for
any  increase  decrease in the number of issued  Common  Shares  resulting  from
split-up  spin-off or consolidation of shares or any like Capital  adjustment or
the payment of any stock dividend.

     Except as otherwise provided in the 2005 Incentive Plan, any Option granted
hereunder shall terminate in the event of a merger,  consolidation,  acquisition
of property or stock, separation,  reorganization or liquidation of the Company.
However,  the  Optionee  shall  have  the  right  immediately  prior to any such
transaction  to  exercise  his  Option in whole or in part  notwithstanding  any
otherwise applicable vesting requirements.

     (f) TERMINATION,  MODIFICATION AND AMENDMENT.  The 2005 Incentive Plan (but
not Options  previously  granted under the Plan) shall  terminate ten (10) years
from the earlier of the date of its  adoption by the Board of  Directors  or the
date on which the Plan is approved by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding  shares of capital stock of the Company  entitled to
vote  thereon,  and no Option shall be granted  after  termination  of the Plan.
Subject to certain restrictions, the Plan may at any time be terminated and from
time to time be modified or amended by the affirmative  vote of the holders of a
majority of the outstanding  shares of the capital stock of the Company present,
or  represented,  and entitled to vote at a meeting duly held in accordance with
the applicable laws of the State of Delaware.





     The 2005  Incentive  Plan and the right of  participants  to make purchases
thereunder are intended to qualify under the provisions of Sections 421, 422 and
423 of the Code.  Under  these  provisions,  no income will be  recognized  by a
participant  prior to  disposition  of shares  acquired under the 2005 Incentive

     If the shares are sold or otherwise  disposed of (including by way of gift)
more than two years  after the first day of the  offering  period  during  which
shares were  purchased (the "Offering  Date"),  a participant  will recognize as
ordinary income at the time of such  disposition the lesser of (a) the excess of
the fair  market  value of the shares at the time of such  disposition  over the
purchase  price of the shares or (b) 15% of the fair market  value of the shares
on the first day of the  offering  period.  Any  further  gain or loss upon such
disposition will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss. If the shares are
sold for a sale price less than the purchase price,  there is no ordinary income
and the participant has a capital loss for the difference.

     If the shares are sold or otherwise  disposed of (including by way of gift)
before the expiration of the two-year holding period described above, the excess
of the fair market  value of the shares on the  purchase  date over the purchase
price will be treated as ordinary  income to the  participant.  This excess will
constitute  ordinary income in the year of sale or other  disposition even if no
gain is realized on the sale or a gift of the shares is made. The balance of any
gain or loss will be  treated  as  capital  gain or loss and will be  treated as
long-term capital gain or loss if the shares have been held more than one year.

     In the  case of a  participant  who is  subject  to  Section  16(b)  of the
Exchange Act, the purchase date for purposes of calculating  such  participant's
compensation  income and  beginning of the capital  gain  holding  period may be
deferred  for up to six months under  certain  circumstances.  Such  individuals
should  consult  with their  personal  tax  advisors  prior to buying or selling
shares under the 2005 Incentive Plan.

     The ordinary income reported under the rules described above,  added to the
actual purchase price of the shares,  determines the tax basis of the shares for
the  purpose of  determining  capital  gain or loss on a sale or exchange of the

     The Company is entitled to a deduction for amounts taxed as ordinary income
to a participant  only to the extent that ordinary  income must be reported upon
disposition of shares by the  participant  before the expiration of the two-year
holding period described above.

Restrictions on Resale

     Certain  officers  and  directors  of  the  Company  may  be  deemed  to be
"affiliates"  of the Company as that term is defined under the  Securities  Act.
The Common Stock  acquired  under the 2005 Incentive Plan by an affiliate may be
reoffered  or resold only  pursuant to an  effective  registration  statement or
pursuant  to Rule 144 under the  Securities  Act or another  exemption  from the
registration requirements of the Securities Act.



The  following  tables sets forth,  as of February 14,  2005,  the number of and
percent of the Company's common stock beneficially owned by

o all directors and nominees, naming them,
o our executive officers,
o our directors and executive officers as a group, without naming them, and
o persons  or groups  known by us to own  beneficially  5% or more of our common

The Company  believes  that all persons  named in the table have sole voting and
investment power with respect to all shares of common stock  beneficially  owned
by them.

A person is deemed to be the beneficial owner of securities that can be acquired
by him within 60 days from  February  14,  2005 upon the  exercise  of  options,
warrants or convertible securities. Each beneficial owner's percentage ownership
is determined by assuming that options,  warrants or convertible securities that
are  held by  him,  but not  those  held by any  other  person,  and  which  are
exercisable  within  60 days of  February  14,  2005  have  been  exercised  and

      Name And Address                                       Shares of                  Percentage as of
      Of Beneficial Owners                                 Common Stock                 January 26, 2005
     Rob Hutchison                                          1,120,000 (1)                      2.3%
     3489 Canterbury Place. S. Surrey BC.  V4P
     Peter Brocklesby                                       1,000,000 (2)                      2.0%
     c/o 9229 W. Sunset Blvd. Ste. 830
     Los Angeles, CA 90069
     Lawrence Lee
     P O Box 88715                                          4,170,000 (3)                      8.6%
     Los Angeles, CA  90009
     Michael Hill
     44 Sierra Vista Close SW                                552,000 (4)                       1.1%
     Calgary, Alberta  T3H3A3
     Ron Erickson
     9437 NE Coral Court                                     550,000 (5)                       1.1%
     Bainbridge Island, WA 98110
     Karin Klemm
     5758 Las Virgenes Road                                      -0-                            -0-
     Calabasas, CA 91302
     Total shares held by Officers and                      7,042,000 (6)                      13.7%
     Directors (6 persons)
     RHL Management, Inc.
     Roxbury Road                                             4,935,475                        10.3%
     Los Angeles, CA 90069
     Chaim Stern
     1880 East 26th Street                                    4,800,000                        10.0%
     Brooklyn, NY 11229
     Dr. J. J. Sheu Escrow Account                            3,500,000                        7.3%
     c/o 9229 W. Sunset Blvd. Ste. 830
     Los Angeles, CA 90069

* Less than 1%
Total shares outstanding as of February 14, 2005: 48,004,662


(1) Includes 1,000,000 shares underlying currently exercisable options.
(2) Includes 1,000,000 shares underlying currently exercisable options.
(3) Includes 600,000 shares underlying currently exercisable options.
(4) Includes 315,000 shares underlying currently exercisable options.
(5) Includes 400,000 shares underlying currently  exercisable options and 50,000
shares  underlying  currently   exercisable  options  owned  by  Alpha  Spectrum
Investments, LLC, of which Mr. Erickson is deemed a beneficial owner.
(6) Includes 3,365,000 shares underlying currently exercisable options.


In September of 2004,  we reviewed the holdings of our officers and directors to
determine if any purchase, sales or transfers were made throughout the year that
may not have been  disclosed  properly on a Form 4. Any such sales were properly
disclosed on Form 5.


The following  table sets forth for the fiscal year  indicated the  compensation
paid by our company to our Chief Executive Officer and other executive  officers
with annual compensation exceeding $100,000 for executive officers during fiscal
years ended 2004, 2003 and 2002.

Summary Compensation Table

                                                           Annual      Restricted     Options       LTIP
  Name & Principal                Salary       Bonus       Compen-        Stock         SARs       Payouts      All Other
      Position          Year        ($)         ($)      sation ($)    Awards ($)      (#)(1)        ($)      Compensation
--------------------- --------- ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ------------ --------------
Rob Hutchison,          2004    159,450           0            0       39,000            0             0             0
CEO                     2003          0           0            0            0            0             0             0
                        2002          0           0            0            0            0             0             0

--------------------- --------- ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ------------ --------------
Lawrence C. Lee,        2004    150,000           0            0    2,017,500            0             0             0
CEO                     2003    300,000           0            0            0            0             0             0
                        2002          0           0            0      182,000            0             0             0

--------------------- --------- ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ------------ --------------
Gerhard Wehr,           2004     58,328           0       22,489       54,000            0             0             0
CFO                     2003    180,000           0            0            0            0             0             0
                        2002          0           0            0       40,000            0             0             0
--------------------- --------- ------------ ----------- ------------ -------------- ----------- ------------ --------------


     All directors are  reimbursed  for their  reasonable  expenses  incurred in
     attending meetings of the board of directors and its committees.  Directors
     serve without cash compensation and without other fixed remuneration.


     The following  table contains  information  concerning  options  granted to
     executive  officers  named in the  Summary  Compensation  Table  during the
     fiscal year ended September 30, 2004:


                  NUMBER OF       % OF TOTAL
                  SECURITIES      OPTIONS/SARS
                  UNDERLYING      GRANTED TO
NAME              GRANTED (#)     FISCAL YEAR     ($/SH)            DATE

                            EQUITY COMPENSATION PLANS

     In  November  of 2002,  we created a special  compensation  plan to pay the
     founders, consultants and professionals that had been contributing valuable
     services  to us during the  previous  nine  months.  The plan is called the
     Professional/Employee/ Consultant Compensation Plan (the "Plan"). Share and
     option  issuances from the Plan were to be staggered over the following six
     to eight months,  and consultants that were to continue  providing services
     thereafter either became employees or received renewed contracts from us in
     July  of  2003,   which  contracts   contained  a  more   traditional  cash
     compensation  component.  The Plan was  designed  by the  Board to meet our
     important  team  building  objectives  in  our  early  stages,  and  to  be
     temporary.  As of December 31, 2004, a total of 1,440,003  shares have been
     issued from the Plan and 560,000  options,  264,000 of which were exercised
     as of as of December 31, 2004.

     Each  qualified and eligible  recipient of shares and/or  options under the
     Plan  received  securities  in lieu  of cash  payment  for  services.  Each
     recipient agreed, in his or her respective  consulting contract with us, to
     sell a  limited  number  of  shares  monthly.  Management  feels  that this
     carefully designed Plan was successful in attracting and retaining a strong
     team at a time when we had no established  revenue stream and limited or no
     outside  financing.  Because  recipients sold their respective  shares in a
     controlled manner, there was also no apparent negative impact to the market
     from  sales  of  these  unrestricted  securities,  which  was an  important
     objective of the Board when the Plan was contemplated.

     In our  financial  statements,  shares that were issued from  November 2002
     through  June 30,  2003 that were  valued at $0.065 per share  were  shares
     issued from this Plan created in November of 2002 on the basis of contracts
     executed  at that  time for  previously  rendered  services.  Common  Stock
     disclosed  as  being  issued  in  exchange  for  cash at  $1.00  per  share
     represents  options  that were  exercised  under this Plan.  In December of
     2004, we adjusted the exercise price to $0.60 per share.

     Any other unrestricted  shares that were issued either before or after July
     1, 2003 were valued at the fair market value.

------------------------   ---------------------------    -----------------------------  ----------------------
Plan Category              Number of Securities to be     Weighted Average Exercise       Number of Securities
                           Issued Upon Exercise of        Price of Outstanding Options,   Remaining Available
                           Outstanding Options,           Warrants and Rights             for Future Issuance
                           Warrants and Rights
                                 (a) (b) (c)
------------------------   ---------------------------    -----------------------------  ----------------------
Employee Stock and Stock
Option Compensation Plan     2,000,000                       $177,600                          -0-
------------------------   ---------------------------    -----------------------------  ----------------------
Total                        2,000,000                       $177,600                          -0-
------------------------   ---------------------------    -----------------------------  ---------------------

     As of December 31, 2004, a total of 1,440,000  shares have been issued from
     the Plan and 560,000  options,  264,000 of which were  exercised as of that



     In September of 2004, Larry Lee entered into a private transaction with Mr.
Chaim Stern,  selling a total of 2,500,000  shares to him, after which he loaned
all proceeds of $600,000 to us.

     We have no policy  regarding  entering into  transactions  with  affiliated


                           ANNUAL AND QUARTERLY REPORT

     Our Annual  Report on Form 10-KSB for the fiscal year ended  September  30,
2004 and our Quarterly  Report on Form 10-QSB for the quarter ended December 31,
2004, as filed with the SEC, excluding exhibits, is being mailed to shareholders
with this  Information  Statement.  We will  furnish  any  exhibit to our Annual
Report on Form 10-KSB or  Quarterly  Report on Form 10-QSB free of charge to any
shareholder upon written request to Secretary,  Applied DNA Sciences, Inc., 9229
Sunset  Boulevard,  Suite 830, Los Angeles,  California 90069. The Annual Report
and  Quarterly  Report  incorporated  in  this  Information  Statement.  You are
encouraged to review the Annual Report and  Quarterly  together with  subsequent
information  filed by the  Company  with the SEC and  other  publicly  available

                                         By Order of the Board of Directors,

                                         /s/ Robin B. Hutchison
                                         Robin B. Hutchison
                                         Chairman of the Board

Los Angeles, CA
February 18, 2005



                            CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT
                            ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
                           APPLIED DNA SCIENCES, INC.

     The undersigned, being the Chief Executive Officer and Secretary of APPLIED
DNA  SCIENCES,  INC.,  a  corporation  existing  under  the laws of the State of
Nevada, do hereby certify under the seal of the said corporation as follows:

     1. The certificate of incorporation of the Corporation is hereby amended by
replacing Article Fourth, in its entirety, with the following:

          "FOURTH:  The Corporation is authorized to issue two classes of stock.
     One class of stock  shall be Common  Stock,  par value  $0.001.  The second
     class of stock shall be Preferred  Stock,  par value $0.001.  The Preferred
     Stock, or any series thereof, shall have such designations, preferences and
     relative,   participating,   optional   or   other   special   rights   and
     qualifications,  limitations or restrictions  thereof as shall be expressed
     in the  resolution  or  resolutions  providing  for the issue of such stock
     adopted  by the board of  directors  and may be made  dependent  upon facts
     ascertainable  outside  such  resolution  or  resolutions  of the  board of
     directors,  provided that the matter in which such facts shall operate upon
     such designations,  preferences, rights and qualifications;  limitations or
     restrictions  of such class or series of stock is clearly and expressly set
     forth in the resolution or  resolutions  providing for the issuance of such
     stock by the board of directors.

          The  total  number  of  shares  of  stock  of  each  class  which  the
     Corporation  shall have  authority to issue and the par value of each share
     of each class of stock are as follows:

                 Class            Par Value               Authorized Shares
                 Common           $0.001                      250,000,000
                 Preferred        $0.001                       10,000,000

                 Totals:                                      260,000,000

     2. The amendment of the articles of incorporation herein certified has been
duly adopted by the  unanimous  written  consent of the  Corporation's  Board of
Directors and a majority of the  Corporation's  stockholders  in accordance with
the provisions of Section 78.320 of the General  Corporation Law of the State of

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Corporation  has caused its corporate seal to be
hereunto affixed and this Certificate of Amendment of the Corporation's Articles
of  Incorporation,  as amended,  to be signed by Robin B.  Hutchison,  its Chief
Executive  Officer,  and Lawrence  Lee, its  Secretary,  this __th day of March,

                           APPLIED DNA SCIENCES, INC.

                          Robin B. Hutchison, Chief Executive Officer

                          Karin Klemm, Secretary
