Gold Fields Limited
Reg. 1968/004880/06
24 St Andrews Road
Parktown, 2193
Postnet Suite 252
Private Bag X30500
Houghton, 2041
South Africa
Tel +27 11 644-2400
Dir +27 11 644-2400
Fax +27 11 484-0639
Tuesday, 16 November, 2004
Dear Shareholder
If you feel aggrieved by the Harmony bid for Gold Fields, you are not alone. We believe that fewer than 100,000 of Gold Fields' 492 million shares have been submitted to Harmony, although it is over three weeks since the start of the offer. This means only a fraction of one percent of Gold Fields' shares have been tendered.
Over the past weeks, your Board has spoken to the vast majority of Gold Fields' larger shareholders, including many of the most highly respected gold investors in the world. I am pleased to report that there is a widespread feeling of resentment towards Harmony's offer and widespread support for Gold Fields. The terms that Harmony has offered, combined with the way they have structured their bid, has led these shareholders to recognise that the bid would destroy value for them.
We believe Harmony has been less than transparent in what it has disclosed. For example, Harmony claims their gold reserves are 62 million ounces whereas their independent reserve auditors say the true figure is less than 40 million ounces. The difference, Harmony says, is largely due to the inclusion of inferred "life of mine reserves". This is in clear violation of the established code in South Africa for the calculation of reserves, SAMREC, and the principles of Guide 7 in the United States.
You, the shareholders of Gold Fields deserve clean, clear facts. The value of a mining company is almost entirely dependent on the true extent of its reserves. How can you make an informed decision on this offer without an accurate audited reserve statement, which complies fully with SAMREC and Guide 7?
C M T Thompson* (Chairman), A J Wright (Deputy Chairman), I D Cockerill+
(Chief Executive Officer),K Ansah
, G J Gerwel, N J Holland+
Financial Officer), J M McMahon+
, G R Parker^
, R L Pennant-Rea+
, P J Ryan, T M G Sexwale, B R van Rooyen, C I von Christierson
Corporate Secretary:
C Farrel