Washington, D.C. 20549
Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
May 22, 2015
Commission File Number     001-16125
Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.
( Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)
26 Chin Third Road
Nantze Export Processing Zone
Kaoshiung, Taiwan
Republic of China
(Address of principal executive offices)
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F x       Form 40-F o
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1):
Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7):

Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted to furnish a report or other document that the registrant foreign private issuer must furnish and make public under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the registrant is incorporated, domiciled or legally organized (the registrant's "home country"), or under the rules of the home country exchange on which the registrant's securities are traded, as long as the report or other document is not a press release, is not required to be and has not been distributed to the registrant's security holders, and, if discussing a material event, has already been the subject of a Form 6-K submission or other Commission filing on EDGAR.
Indicate by check mark whether by furnishing the information contained in this Form, the registrant is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Yes o        No x
If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b):
Not applicable

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
Date: May 22, 2015
/s/ Joseph Tung
Joseph Tung
Chief Financial Officer





Stock Code2311





Notice and Agenda




2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting



June 23, 2015








Text Box: Summary Translation













Text Box: Meeting Notice










Coupon 1


Notice for Meeting


I.Please note that we are scheduled to hold the 2015 Shareholders’ General Meeting on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (shareholder registration starts at 9:00 am sharp; please sign-in at the meeting location) at Zhuang Jing Auditorium, 600 Jiachang Rd., Nantz Processing Export Zone, Nantz District, Kaohsiung City. Meeting contents: 1. Highlights of Presentation: (1) 2014 Business Report (2) Report by supervisors on review of the 2014 financial statements (3) Report on total amount for endorsement, guarantee and amount of loans to third parties (4) Report on the implementation of the privately placed foreign convertible corporate bonds passed in the 2014 shareholders' general meeting (5) Report on the implementation of ASE's indirect investments in mainland China (6) Report on the implementation of buyback of ASE shares. 2. Matters for Ratification:(1) Ratification of ASE's 2014 final financial statements. (2) Ratification of 2014 earnings distribution proposal 3. Matters for discussion: (1) To consecutively or simultaneously select one of or combine cash increase by issuing common shares and DR, domestic cash increase by issuing common shares, and privately placed foreign convertible corporate bonds (2) Revision of ASE’s Procedure for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets (3) Revision of the Procedure for Lending Funds to Other Parties (4) Revision of the Procedure for Making of Endorsement and Guarantees (5) Revision of ASE’s Articles of Incorporation. 4. Elections: Reelection of directors. 5. Other Proposals: Waiver of non-competition clauses for newly elected directors of ASE. 6. Extempore Motions.


II.Dividend to be distributed is NT$2 per share, all of which will be distributed in cash. If at a later date ASE’s foreign convertible corporate bonds holders exercise the right of conversion, or new shares are issued to employees against Employee Stock Option warrants, or new shares are issued by ASE for cash increase, or there is a buyback of ASE’s stocks, or transfer or cancellation of ASE’s treasury stocks, which affects the cash distribution rate of the shareholders’ bonus requiring adjustment, the management will request the shareholders’ meeting to authorize the Board of Directors to handle the situation and make adjustments accordingly.


III.Please refer to the description on the back for how privately placed foreign convertible corporate bonds will be handled (Coupon 5).


IV.Article 209 of the Company Act stipulates that directors should brief actions they are going to take within the scope of ASE's business operation for themselves or for others in the shareholders' meetings and obtain permission. Currently re-elected new directors and their representatives shall be waived of non-competition clauses for behavior prohibited under Article 209 of the Company Act starting from the date of inauguration on the condition that the said behavior does not undermine ASE's interests.


V.According to Article 165 of the Company Act, stock transfers shall be discontinued from April 25, 2015 to June 23, 2015.


VI.Apart from the public announcement, this is the letter of invitation attached with one copy each of the Notice for Attendance of the Shareholders’ General Meeting and proxy. You are cordially invited to attend. If you are to attend the meeting in person, please report to the meeting location on the day of the meeting by filling out Coupon 2 (the Notice of Attendance in Person) and Coupon 3 (the Sign-in Card). If you wish to appoint an agent to attend the meeting on your behalf, please send back Coupon 6 (the Proxy) and Coupon 3 (Sign-in Card) in its full form, duly filled out, to ASE’s stock affairs agent,





President Securities Corp., attention: Department of Stock Affairs, 5 days prior to the meeting. Once the signature or seal is verified, ASE’s stock affairs agent will send back the Sign-in Card with the registration seal affixed to you or your agent for attendance in the shareholders’ general meeting.


VII.If any shareholder wishes to enlist proxies, ASE will produce a general checklist stating therein the information of the solicitor and the soliciting information on May 22, 2015 to be disclosed on the website ( Investors who wish to make an enquiry may enter the website and go to Free Enquiry System for Announced Information Relating Proxy. Click on Entry for Enquiry About the Announced Information on Proxy for Meeting on the right-hand side and enter the search criteria.


VIII.Verification of proxy votes at the shareholders’ general meeting shall be conducted by the Department of Stock Affairs at President Securities Corp.


IX.In this shareholder's meeting, shareholders may exercise their voting rights electronically. The period for them to exercise the right is May 24 through June 20, 2015. Log in to Taiwan Depository & Clearing Corporation's "Stock Vote" website and proceed in accordance with the instructions provided (web address:


X.This is for your information. Please act accordingly.




Shareholder ___________


The Board of Directors, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.


Address: B1, 8, Tunghsing St., Sungshan District, Taipei City 105


Stock Affairs Agent for Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.


Exclusive line for stock affairs agency: (02) 2746-3797 (Representative Line) Website:


The personal information collected by the Department of Stock Affairs Agency is processed or used only for stock affairs purposes, and the related information will be stored according to the regulations or the agreed storage periods. Please contact the Department of Stock Affairs Agency if you intend to exercise the related rights.


Coupon 2:


Notice for Those Attendance in Person


Please note that I shall personally attend the 2015 Shareholders’ General Meeting on June 23, 2015 and you may send me the Sign-in Card.




Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.


Shareholder No.:


Shareholder Name:


(If proxy is consigned, please endorse on the back of the card)


Please sign here if you shall attend the meeting in person.


Serial No.: Checked and Verified by:






Coupon 3: Sign-in Card


This Sign-in Card will become null and void without the registration seal by the Company’s stock affairs agent.

2015 Shareholders’ General Meeting of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

□ To attend in person

□ By proxy


Time: 10 am, Thursday, June 23, 2015

Place: Zhuang Jing Auditorium, 600, Jiachang Rd., NEPZ, Nanzih Dist., Kaohsiung City.

Shareholder No.:

Number of Shares Held:


Shareholder Name:

Mailing Address of Shareholder:

Name of Agent:

Mailing Address of Agent:

Serial No. of Attendance: Approved by:  






Coupon 4


Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. cash dividend transfer (change) application form


Account No.   Authorized seal
Account Name    

Original registration

(Do not send in the form if there are no errors)

Name of Bank Bank Code Branch Account title Account No. Check digit
(New) Change Name of Bank Bank Code Branch Account title Account No. Check digit
Post Office Passbook (H) P07









Please fill out bank information completely and carefully; a check will be sent if the fund is unable to be transferred


If you are not familiar with filling out the account number for fund transfer, please attach a photocopy of your account passbook to facilitate data entry.


The distribution of cash dividends by the Company may be conducted via bank transfer or via checks.


Please send the form back to the Department of Stock Affairs at President Securities Corp. before June 23, 2015 for processing.


Please Note:


The souvenir for shareholders this year will be: 12LED Lamp fan; in the event of insufficient quantity, an alternative souvenir of equal value will be distributed..


If you are unable to attend the shareholders' meeting in person and wish to appoint the Department of Stock Affairs of President Securities Corp. to attend on your behalf, please present your proxy form, signed or sealed, to President Securities Corp. between May 27, 2015 and June 16, 2015 (with the exception of weekends and holidays), from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at the following address: 1F, 8, Dongxing Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City; (02)2746-3797. Applications are not accepted otherwise.


You may pick up the souvenir from June 17 to June 22, 2015 at President Securities Corp. at No. 8, Dongxing Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City or from June 17 to June 22, 2015 at 26, Jing 3rd Road, NEPZ, Kaohsiung City. 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except on weekends and holidays.)


If you plan to attend the meeting in person on June 23, 2015, you may pick up the souvenir at the meeting.


For shareholders who wish to exercise voting rights by electronic means, the souvenir may be picked up between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on June 23, 2015 at the Department of Stock Affairs of President Securities Corp. at No. 8, Dongxing Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City. Souvenirs cannot be mailed or exhanged after the meeting.


You may enquire about souvenir-related information at the exclusive souvenir section on the website of President Securities Corp. at






Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. 2015 Shareholders’ General Meeting: Summary of Proxy Solicitors

Date of Shareholder's General Meeting: June 23, 2015


Serial No. Solicitor Authorizing shareholder

List of candidates for directorship to be supported

List of candidates

Business philosophy of candidates for directorship Name of place of solicitation or name of person mandated by the solicitor to handle solicitation matters
1 Trust Division Chinatrust Commercial Bank ASE Enterprises Ltd.

List of candidates for directorship


1.  Representative, ASE Enterprises Ltd. Jason C.S. Chang


2.  Richard H.P. Chang


3.  Representative, ASE Enterprises Ltd. Tien Wu


4.  Representative, ASE Enterprises Ltd. Joseph Tung


5.  Representative, ASE Enterprises Ltd. Raymond Lo


6.  Representative, ASE Enterprises Ltd. Jeffery Chen


7.  Representative, ASE Enterprises Ltd. T.S. Chen


8.  Rutherford Chang


9.  Sheng-fu You (Independent  Director)


10. Ta-lin Hsu (Independent Director)


11. Mei-yueh Ho (Independent Director)

1. Providing customers with professional services of the highest quality


2. Creating long-term and stable profits for the Company and our customers


3. Achieving success and prosperity with partner firms


4. Providing training to employees to enable them to excel in their respective areas of expertise


5. Treating all employees fairly and reasonably


6. Providing employees with a pleasant and open work environment


7. Remaining as flexible as possible in business operations

1.     Agency Dept., Chinatrust Commercial Bank


Address: No. 70, Huaining St., Taipei


Telephone: (02) 6636-5566


2.     Wenxin Branch, Chinatrust Commercial Bank


Address: No. 875, Sec. 4, Wenxin Rd., Taichung


Telephone: (04) 2246-9988


3.     South Kaohsiung Branch, Chinatrust Commercial Bank


Address: No. 21, Yixin 2nd Rd., Kaohsiung


Telephone: (07) 3366768


[Limited to at least 1,000 shares]


Solicitation period: May 27 to June 16, 2015


Note: The above is provided in summary format. If you require more detailed information please refer to the announcements provided with the Notice for Meeting or visit the Securities & Futures Institute website at


Coupon 5


Private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds


In order to meet long term capital requirements and allow more diversified and flexible funding channels, the AGM is urged to authorize the board to consecutively or simultaneously select one of or combine issuing of DRs through cash increase, conduct domestic cash increase by issuing common shares, and privately offer foreign convertible corporate bonds at appropriate times depending on market circumstances and capital requirements.


According to Article 43-6 of the Securities and Exchange Act and the Directions for Public Companies Conducting Private Placements of Securities, the aforementioned private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is described as follows:


(1)Basis and reasonableness of private offering price:

The issue price for the private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is set to be not lower than 80% of the formula price referred to in the Directions for Public Companies Conducting Private Placements of Securities. For the actual issue price, the shareholders meeting will be requested to grant the board of directors the authority to set the price according to the law and not below the range approved by the shareholders meeting and depending on current market and company circumstances. The price for this private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is set according to the regulations and in consideration of the strict restrictions for transfer timing, recipient, and quantity of the privately offered securities. In addition, the shares converted from the corporate bonds may not be publicly listed for three years of the delivery. The price for this private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is deemed to be reasonable under the terms and factors such as weaker liquidity.


(2)Selection method and purpose for offerees, necessity, and expected benefits:

The offeree selection procedure shall follow the rules under Article 43-6 of the Securities and Exchange Act and the previous order (2002) Tai-Cai-Zheng-1 No. 0910003455 of June 13, 2002, of the Securities and Futures Commission of the Ministry of Finance. The purpose for selecting offerees is to introduce strategic investors. A strategic investor refers to an individual or corporate entity that,






for the purpose of increasing the Company's profits, assists the Company to enhance technology, improve quality, increase efficiency, and expand market share through vertical or horizontal industry integration or collaboration in product or market development. The selection of offerees shall be decided by the board of directors as authorized by the shareholders meeting. The purpose, necessity, and expected benefits are to meet the demands of the Company's operations by having private offering investors provide the Company with assistance in enhancing technology, improving quality, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and expanding the market in order to strengthen the Company's competitiveness and improve operational efficiency and long term development.


(3)Necessity, use of funds, and expected benefits:
1.Reasons against a public offering: The choice of a private offering is in support of the Company's future business development and plans to introduce strategic investors and in consideration of the time sensitiveness, convenience, issue costs and shareholder stability provided by a private offering. In addition, privately offered securities are restricted from free transfer under the Securities and Exchange Act, and the rule will ensure a long term partnership between the Company and its strategic investors.
2.Maximum amount of private offering: This private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is subject to a maximum of NT$16 billion or the equivalent in foreign currencies. However, the actual amount of the private offering shall be determined in accordance with the applicable regulations and financial market conditions at the time. When a convertible corporate bond holder obtains common shares of the Company by exercising conversion rights, the number of shares is calculated based on the conversion price at the time of conversion.
3.Use of funds and expected benefits: The private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds may be made by the board of directors as authorized by the shareholders meeting within one year of the passing of the resolution. The capital raised is expected to be used for one or more purposes of capital expenditure, providing for working capital increases, repaying bank loans, and reinvestment. In addition, it is expected that the funds will be completely used up within three years after the private offering is completed. The expected benefits include a positive impact on shareholder rights and one or more of a strengthened industry position, enhanced long term competitiveness, improved financial structure, and savings on interest expenses. However, the actual private offering and the schedule for the use of funds shall depend on the Company's capital requirements, legal regulations, and financial market circumstances.
(4)Rights and obligations associated with converting corporate bonds to common shares The rights and obligations associated with the common shares converted from this private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds are identical to those associated with the existing common shares of the Company. However, the listing and resale of such common shares shall be subject to the rules under the Securities and Exchange Act. Private offerings of foreign convertible corporate bonds shall be conducted in compliance with the letter from the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Executive Yuan, Jin-Guan-Zheng-1 No. 09700513881 on October 21, 2008.
(5)The private offering plan includes primarily the issue and conversion rules, actual private offering price, private offering terms, plan items, amounts, scheduled progress and expected benefits, and other matters potentially related to the issue plan. The shareholders meeting will be requested to authorize the board of directors to make adjustments at its full discretion according to the Company's financial needs, financial market conditions, and relevant regulations. The shareholders meeting will also be requested to authorize the board of directors to make modification or correction at its full discretion in response to future changes in legal regulations, orders from the competent authority, or changes in market conditions, business assessment, or objective environmental conditions.
(6)In order to complete the private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds, the shareholders meeting will also be requested to authorize the chairman of the board or a designated person to represent the Company in the signing of all relevant contracts and documents and complete all subsequent procedures for the Company.
(7)For matters that are not covered herein, the shareholders meeting will be requested to authorize the board of directors to, in accordance with law, proceed at its own discretion.

For more information on private offerings, please visit the following websites: The Market Observation Post System:, the Company's website:




Instructions for use of the Proxy


1.This proxy is provided with two different forms and the shareholder may opt to use either of them. However, if both forms are used simultaneously, it shall be deemed as carte blanche.
2.Before solicitation for proxy is made by a third party, shareholders are advised to ask the solicitor to provide information on written and advertising contents or consult with the Company-compiled general information of the solicitor’s written and advertising contents in order to fully understand the background information of the solicitor and the candidate to be elected as well as opinions on agenda items of the solicitor.
3.If the trustee agent is not a Shareholder No., he/she should fill out his/her ID number or the uniform serial number in the Shareholder A/C Column.
4.If the solicitor is a trust business or service agency institution, please fill out the uniform serial number in the Shareholder No. A/C Column.
5.All other matters related to the agenda shall be conducted by the instructions herein provided.
6.If the proxy has already been delivered to the Company and the shareholder decides they wish to personally attend the meeting or exercise his or her voting rights by electronic means, the concerned shareholder should notify the Company in writing two days prior to the shareholders’ meeting to rescind the notice for proxy. If the shareholder fails to do so by the deadline, the voting right cast by the trustee agent shall govern.
7.The Department of Stock Affairs at President Securities Corp. (No. 8, Dongxing Rd., Songshan District, Taipei City) has been appointed the Company's stock affairs agent for the current shareholders' meeting. Telephone: (02)2746-3797. If you are unable to attend the shareholders' meeting in person to approve the proposals of the Board of Directors, please place a check mark (x) next to the proposal on Format II of the proxy form, signed or sealed (1. Ratification of the Company's 2014 final financial statements. 2. Ratification of 2014 earnings distribution proposal. 3. To discuss whether to consecutively or simultaneously select one of or combine cash increase by issuing common shares and DR, domestic cash increase by issuing common shares, and privately offered foreign convertible corporate bonds. 4. Revision of the Company’s Procedure for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets. 5. Discussion of revision of the Company’s Articles of Incorporation. 6. Discussion of revision of the Company’s Rules Governing the Election of Directors and Supervisors and renaming to Rules Governing the Election of Directors. The Department of Stock Affairs at President Securities Corp. has been appointed the Company's stock affairs agent.
8.See Coupon 6 for the format of the proxy.





Coupon 6


If you wish to consign an agent to attend the meeting on your behalf, please fill out this coupon and send it back.


Serial No.: Checked and Verified by: Stock Code No.: 2311



Place of solicitation and signature:




Atten: B1, 8, Tunghsing St., Sungshan District, Taipei City 105


Stock Affairs Agent for Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

President Securities Corp. Department of Stock Affairs Agency


Advertisement Reply
Taiwan Northern Post Office Administration Registration Permit No.

(No Postage Necessary)


__F, ___, _______Alley, ____Lane, _________Road/Street, ____Sec., __________Neighborhood/Village, ____________District/Township, _______County/City








Text Box: Meeting Agenda











Table of Contents



Meeting Procedure 1
Meeting Agenda 2
Status Report 3
Matters for Ratification 5
Matters for Discussion 7
Elections 14
Other Proposals 16
Extempore Motions 16
1. 2014 Business Report 17
2. Supervisors' Report 21
3. 2014 Independent Auditor's Report and Financial Statements 22
4. Guidelines for Issuance and Conversion of Privately Offered Foreign Non-guaranteed Convertible Corporate Bonds (tentative) 41

Table of Comparison of Procedures for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets


6. Table of Comparison of Revised Articles of the Procedure for Lending Funds to Other Parties 45
7. Table of Comparison of Revised Articles of the Procedure for Making Endorsements and Guarantees 50
8. Table of Comparison of Revised Articles of Incorporation 54
1. Rules of Procedure for Shareholders’ Meeting 57
2. Rules Governing the Election of Directors 61
3. Articles of Incorporation (before revision)   63
4. Status of Holdings of Directors and Supervisors 69
5. Information Concerning Employee Bonus and Information Remuneration for Directors and Supervisors 71


Impact upon Business Performance and EPS Resulting from Non-remunerative Share Allotment








Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. 

2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Procedure



I.Meeting called to order (announce respective number of shares held by shareholders present)


II.Chairperson's opening remarks


III.Status Report


IV.Matters for Ratification


V.Matters for Discussion




VII.Other Proposals


VIII.Extempore Motions


IX.Meeting Ends






Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

2015 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting Agenda


A.Time:10:00AM, Tuesday, June 23, 2015


B.Venue: Zhuang Jing Auditorium, 600 Jiachang Rd., Nantz Processing Export Zone, Nantz District, Kaohsiung City


C.Attendee: All shareholders and proxies


D.Chairperson's Remarks


E.Status Report


(1)2014 Business Report


(2)Report by supervisors on review of the 2014 financial statements


(3)Report on total amount for endorsements, guarantees, and loans to third parties.


(4)Report on the implementation of the privately offered foreign convertible corporate bonds passed in the 2014 shareholders' general meeting.


(5)Report on the implementation of ASE's indirect investments in mainland China.


(6)Report on the implementation of buyback of ASE shares.


F.Matters for Ratification


Case 1: Ratification of ASE's 2014 final financial statements.
Case 2: Ratification of 2014 earnings distribution proposal.
G.Matters for Discussion


  Case 1: Discussion of whether to consecutively or simultaneously select one of or combine cash increase by issuing common shares and DRs, domestic cash increase by issuing common shares, and privately offered foreign convertible corporate bonds.
  Case 2: Discussion of revision of the Procedure for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets.
  Case 3: Discussion of revision of the Procedure for Lending Funds to Other Parties.
  Case 4: Discussion of the revision of the Procedure for Making of Endorsement and Guarantees.
  Case 5: Discussion of revision of ASE’s Articles of Incorporation.



  Case 1: Reelection of directors

I.Other Proposals


  Case 1: Waiver of non-competition clauses for newly elected directors of ASE






J.Extempore Motions


K.Meeting Ends



Status Report


(1)2014 Business Report (proposed by the Board of Directors)

Explanation: Please see Attachment 1 for the 2014 Business Report attached to this manual.


(2)Report by supervisors on review of the 2014 financial statements (proposed by the Board of Directors)

Explanation: Please see Attachment 2 for the Supervisors’ Report attached to this manual.


(3)Report of ASE's aggregate amount of endorsements, guarantees, and loans extended to others as of December 31, 2014. (proposed by the Board of Directors)

Explanation: 1. ASE's aggregate amount of endorsements and guarantees is as follows as of December 31, 2014:


Unit: NT$ 1,000

Guarantee beneficiary Relationship

Guaranteed amount


Actual amount of utilization
Anstock Limited Subsidiaries in which it indirectly holds 100% voting shares 2,804,922 2,616,614
Anstock II Limited Subsidiaries in which it indirectly holds 100% voting shares 10,100,306 9,585,235
Total 12,905,228 12,201,849


2.ASE's aggregate amount of loans extended to others is zero as of December 31, 2014.


(4)Report on the implementation of the privately offered foreign convertible corporate bonds passed in the 2014 shareholders' general meeting. (proposed by the Board of Directors)
Explanation:  1.ASE approved through the shareholders' general meeting that took place on June 26, 2014 to authorize the board of directors with the right to engage in raiding funds through privately offered foreign convertible corporate bonds that value NT$15 billion or the equivalent in foreign currencies at maximum when it is considered appropriate.






2.The board of directors is authorized through the said shareholders' meeting with the power over private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds. The effective period for the offering will expire on June 25, 2015 and ASE has no plan to continue with private offering within the remainder of the period. Therefore, the said private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds will not continue for the remainder of the period.


(5)Report on the implementation of ASE's indirect investments in mainland China. (proposed by the Board of Directors)


Explanation:ASE increased indirect investments in 2014 with its own funds in mainland China through its offshore subsidiary ASE (Korea) Inc. The investments are briefed as follows:


Approval No. by Investment Commission Corporate name of investment in mainland China Approved amount
2014.08.18 Jing-Shen-Er-Zi No. 10300180410 ASE (Weihai) Inc. US$20 million


(6)Report on the implementation of buyback of ASE shares.(proposed by the Board of Directors)


Explanation:For information regarding ASE's stocks repurchase and implementation status, refer to the following table:







Phase of repurchase 7
Date of resolution reached at the board of directors' meeting 104/2/26
Purpose of repurchase To change share ownership
Actual repurchase period 104/03/03~104/03/27
Type and quantity of actually repurchased shares 120,000,000 common shares
Percentage of actual shares repurchased 100%
Quantity of repurchased shares as a percentage of total outstanding shares (%) 1.53%
Amount of repurchased shares NT$5,333,405,737
Average repurchase price per share NT$44.45
Quantity of shares eliminated 0 shares
Accumulated quantity of ASE shares held 120,000,000 shares
Accumulated quantity of ASE shares held to total outstanding shares (%) 1.53%
Reason for the implementation yet to complete


Matters for Ratification


Case 1 (proposed by the Board of Directors)


Proposal: Your ratification of 2014 final accounts is requested.

1  ASE's 2014 financial statements have been audited and attested by Deloitte & Touche and reviewed by the supervisors.


2、   Please ratify the financial statements (see Attachment 3 to this manual for details) and the 2014 Business Report (see Attachment 1 to this manual for details).







Case 2 (proposed by the Board of Directors)


Proposal: Please ratify ASE’s 2014 proposal for earnings distribution.

1  The Board of Directors has drafted ASE’s 2014 proposal for surplus distribution as shown in the table below in accordance with applicable laws and ASE’s Articles of Incorporation for your ratification.


Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.


2014 earnings distribution proposal


Item Amount
Earnings carried over from the previous year 15,193,332,441
Subtract: Actuarial losses allocated to retained earnings  32,538,303
Add: Current year gross profit 23,592,667,578
Subtract: Provision for 10% statutory surplus reserve 2,359,266,758
Current year earnings to be distributed 36,394,194,958
Items for distribution:  
Dividends (Note 1) 15,589,825,292
Current year retained earnings 20,804,369,666


NT$211,200,000 to be distributed as the remuneration for directors and supervisors

NT$2,335,600,000 to be distributed as bonuses for employees, all in cash








Chairman: Jason C.S. Chang Manager: Richard H.P. Chang Accountant Manager: Hong-Ming Kuo

Note 1:A total of NT$15,589,825,292 will be distributed as dividends to shareholders at NT$2 per share, all of which will be distributed in cash. The above distribution of dividends to shareholders and the cash and stock dividend distribution rates are calculated based on the number (7,794,912,646) of shares recorded in the Register of Shareholders as of March 19, 2015 after treasury stocks that were already bought back by ASE were subtracted. If at a later date ASE’s ECB holders exercise the right of conversion, or new shares are issued to employees against Employee Stock Option warrants, or new shares are issued by ASE for cash increase, or there is a buyback of ASE’s stock, or transfer or cancellation of ASE’s treasury stocks, which affects the cash distribution rate of the shareholders’ bonus, requiring adjustment, the management will request the shareholders’ meeting to authorize the Board of Directors to handle the situation and make adjustments accordingly.


Note 2:In response to the introduction of an integrated income tax system, earnings of the most recent year will be distributed at this time.







2.Basis date for dividend distribution: The board is authorized to set the date after it is passed at the shareholders meeting.




Matters for Discussion


Case 1 (proposed by the Board of Directors)


Proposal: The matter over whether to consecutively or simultaneously select one of or combine cash increase by issuing common shares and DRs, domestic cash increase by issuing common shares, and privately offered foreign convertible corporate bonds is submitted for discussion.

To finance future capacity expansion, provide for working capital increases, repay bank loans, or cope with other needs for funds in the longer term, ASE is urged to authorize the board to consecutively or simultaneously select one of or combine issuing DRs through cash capital increases, conducting domestic cash capital increases by issuing common shares, and privately offering foreign convertible corporate bonds according to articles of incorporation, relevant regulations and the following rules.


1. The principles to issue new common shares and DR for capital increase in cash shall be as follows:


(1)  The current capital increase in cash by issuing common shares and DRs shall not exceed 500 million shares with the board of directors authorized through shareholders' meetings to decide how many shares are to be issued depending on market conditions.


(2)  The price at which shares are issued via issuance of DRs through cash capital increases shall not fall below 90% of the simple arithmetic mean of the share's closing price on the date the issue price is set and its closing price one, three or five days prior to the price-setting date after adjustment for any distribution of stock dividends (or cancelled shares for capital reduction) as per "Self-imposed Rules Governing Underwriters Assisting Companies in Issuing Securities" announced by Taiwan Securities Association. If relevant regulations change, the pricing method may be changed accordingly. As share prices often fluctuate substantially in a short time, the president is authorized to set the issue price by following international practices after consulting the underwriter and considering international capital markets' circumstances, domestic market prices, and






       the book building status. The DR's issue price is decided based on the fair market price of ASE's common stock. Original shareholders who did not participate in the offering, if for the purpose of maintaining shareholding structure, may purchase common stock in Taiwan's stock market at a price close to the DR's issue price without having to assume exchange and liquidity risks. In addition, shares issued via issuance of DRs through cash increases will dilute the original shareholders' equity to a maximum of 6.41%, not a major impact on shareholders' rights and interests.


(3)  10%~15% of common shares issued for this capital increase in cash shall, according to Article 267 of The Company Act, be reserved for subscription by company employees and the shareholders meeting will be requested to fully appropriated the remaining 85%~90% for open issuance as the securities for DR as the original shareholders have waived their rights for subscription in accordance with Article 28-1 of the Securities Exchange Act. For the part that employees have not subscribed for, the Chairman is authorized to contact a designated party for purchase or, depending on market requirements, list as the original securities for participation in the issuance of DR.


(4)  The funds raised by shares issued via issuance of DRs through this cash capital increases shall be used to expanding the factories, purchase equipment, purchase materials overseas, make reinvestments, and/or repay bank loans. Implementation shall be completed within 2 years after the funds are raised. The project is expected to boost ASE's competitiveness, improve its efficiency, and have a positive impact on shareholders' rights and interests.


(5)  The board of directors is authorized to adjust, set, and administer the major contents of the cash capital increase by DR issuance plan, which includes issuance rules, source of capital, plan items, estimated progress and estimated probable effect generated as well as other matters relevant to the issuance of DR, according to market conditions. If a cash capital increase must be changed as ordered by the regulatory authority or required by circumstances, the board is authorized to make corresponding changes.


(6)  In conjunction with the issuance method of common shares for this capital increase in cash and participation in DR issuance, the president or his designated representative is authorized to represent ASE in signing all documents related to the participation in the issuance of DR as well as handling all needed matters.


2. The principles for domestic cash capital increase by issuing common shares:







(1)  The number of common shares issued for this domestic cash increase may not exceed 500 million shares.


(2)  Face value of shares issued via cash increase is NT$10 per share. The issue price shall be decided by the Chairman after consulting the underwriter as per the "Self-imposed Rules Governing Underwriters Assisting Companies in Issuing Securities" announced by the Taiwan Securities Association and market conditions at time of issue and filed with the competent authority.


(3)  According to Article 28-1 of the Securities Exchange Act, the underwriting method for the publicly offered portion shall be decided by the board of directors as authorized between public subscription and book building.


A.  If public subscription is selected:


Apart from the 10%~15% of the issued shares to be reserved for employee subscription at the actual issue price according to Article 267 of the Company Act, 10% of the newly issued shares will be publicly offered to comply with Article 28-1 of the Securities Exchange Act, while the remaining 75%~80% will be subscribed by the existing shareholders based on the shareholding percentages on the base date. For an existing shareholder who holds insufficient shares to subscribe to one new share, joint subscription with other shareholders or combined subscription by one person will be allowed; any employee or existing shareholder who does not subscribe to the issue authorizes the Chairman to contact a designated party for purchase at the issue price.


B.   If book building is selected:


Apart from the 10%~15% of the issued shares to be reserved for employee subscription at the actual issue price according to Article 267 of the Company Act, the remaining shares will be subject to Article 28-1 of the Securities Exchange Act, and the existing shareholders waive the right to subscribe before the shares all become publicly offered based on the book building method. In addition, if ASE’s employees have not subscribed sufficiently and adequately or waived the right to subscribe, the chairman may contact a designated party for purchase.


(4)  The rights and obligations associated with the new shares issued for the cash increase are identical to those associated with the existing shares.


(5)  The funds raised by common shares issued through this cash increase shall be used to expand factories, purchase equipment, purchase materials 






       overseas, provide for working capital increase, make reinvestments, and/or repay bank loans. Implementation shall be completed within 2 years after the funds are raised. The project is expected to boost ASE's competitiveness, improve its efficiency, and have a positive impact on shareholders' rights and interests.


(6) The board of directors is authorized to adjust, set, and administer the major contents of the cash capital increase plan, which includes issuance rules, source of capital, plan items, estimated progress and estimated probable effect generated as well as other matters relevant to the issuance of DR, according to market conditions. If a cash capital increase must be changed as ordered by the regulatory authority or required by circumstances, the board is authorized to make corresponding changes.


 (7)  Once the plan for cash increase is filed with the competent authority, the Chairman will be authorized to set the base date, payment period, and ex-rights date for new share issue.


3. The principles to privately issue foreign convertible corporate bonds:


(1)  This private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is subject to a maximum of NT$16 billion or the equivalent in foreign currencies. Please see Attachment 4 to this Agenda for the preliminary issue and conversion rules for this private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds, which will be handled by the board of directors authorized by the shareholders meeting based on ASE's funding needs or financial market conditions.


(2)  Basis and reasonableness of private offering price: 

The issue price for the private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is set to be not lower than 80% of the formula price referred to in the Directions for Public Companies Conducting Private Placements of Securities. For the actual issue price, the shareholders meeting will be requested to grant the board of directors the authority to set the price according to the law and not below the range approved by the shareholders meeting and depending on current market and company circumstances. The price for this private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is set according to the regulations and in consideration of the strict restrictions for transfer timing, recipient, and quantity of privately offered securities. In addition, shares converted from corporate bonds may not be publicly listed for three years from delivery. The price and terms for this private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds is deemed to be reasonable considering factors such as weakened liquidity. 







(3)  Offeree selection method and its purpose, necessity, and expected benefits:


The offeree selection procedure shall follow the rules under Article 43-6 of the Securities and Exchange Act and the previous order (91) Tai-Cai-Zheng-1 No. 0910003455 on June 13, 2002 from the Securities and Futures Commission of the Ministry of Finance. The purpose for selecting offerees is to introduce strategic investors. A strategic investor refers to an individual or corporate entity that, for the purpose of increasing ASE's profits, assists ASE to enhance technology, improve quality, increase efficiency, and expand market share through vertical or horizontal industry integration or collaboration in product or market development. The selection of offerees shall be decided by the board of directors as authorized by the shareholders meeting.


The purpose, necessity, and expected benefits are to meet the demands of ASE's operations by having private offering investors provide ASE with assistance in enhancing technology, improving quality, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and expanding the market in order to strengthen ASE's competitiveness and improve operational efficiency and long term development.


(4)  The necessity, use of funds, and expected benefits:


A.  Reasons against a public offering:


The choice of a private offering is in support of ASE's future business development and plans to introduce strategic investors and in consideration of the time sensitiveness, convenience, issue costs and shareholder stability provided by a private offering. In addition, privately offered securities are restricted from free transfer under the Securities and Exchange Act, and this rule will ensure a long-term partnership between ASE and its strategic investors.


B.  Maximum amount of private offering:


The total value of privately offered foreign convertible corporate bonds is limited to NT$16 billion or its equivalent in foreign currencies at maximum. However, the actual value of private offering shall be determined according to applicable laws and regulations and financial market circumstances at the time. When a convertible corporate bond holder obtains common shares of ASE by exercising conversion rights, the number of shares is calculated based on the conversion price at the time of conversion.


C.  Use of funds and expected benefits:


The current private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds






may be embarked on by the Board of Directors within a year from the date the resolution is reached during a shareholders' meeting. The raised capital is expected to be used for one or more purposes such as capital expenditure, working capital, payback of bank loans, and reinvestments. In addition, it is expected that the fund will be completely used within two years after private offering is completed. The expected benefits include a positive impact on shareholder rights and one or more of strengthened position in the industry, enhanced long term competitiveness, improved financial structure, and savings in interest expenses. However, the actual private offering and the schedule for the use of funds shall depend on ASE's capital requirements, legal regulations, and financial market circumstances.


(5)  Rights and obligations associated with converting corporate bonds to common shares


The rights and obligations associated with the common shares converted from this private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds are identical to those associated with the existing common shares of ASE. However, the listing and resale of such common shares shall be subject to the rules under the Securities and Exchange Act. Private offerings of foreign convertible corporate bonds shall be conducted in compliance with the letter from the Financial Supervisory Commission of the Executive Yuan, Jin-Guan-Zheng-1 No. 09700513881 on October 21, 2008.


(6)  The private offering plan includes primarily the issue and conversion rules, actual private offering price, private offering terms, plan items, amounts, scheduled progress and expected benefits, and other matters potentially related to the issue plan. The shareholders meeting will be requested to authorize the board of directors to make adjustments at its full discretion according to ASE's financial needs, financial market conditions, and relevant regulations. The shareholders meeting will also be requested to authorize the board of directors to make modification or correction at its full discretion in response to future changes in legal regulations, orders from the competent authority, or changes in market conditions, business assessment, or objective environmental conditions.


(7)  In order to complete the private offering of foreign convertible corporate bonds, the shareholders meeting will also be requested to authorize the chairman of the board or a designated person to represent ASE in the signing of all relevant contracts and documents and







complete all subsequent procedures for ASE.


(8)  For matters that are not covered herein, the shareholders meeting will be requested to authorize the board of directors to, in accordance with law, proceed at its own discretion.



Case 2 (proposed by the Board of Directors)


Proposal: Please discuss the revised version of the Procedure for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets.

1 To reflect the establishment of an audit committee by ASE to replace supervisors this year (2015), a resolution was reached in the Board of Directors' meeting on March 30, 2015 to revise some articles of the Procedure for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets.


2 Your approval of the comparison of Revised Articles of the Procedure for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets before and after revisions as shown in Attachment 5 is requested.


Case 3 (proposed by the Board of Directors)

Proposal: Please discuss the revision of the Procedure for Lending Funds to Other Parties.

1 To meet the requirements of the Financial Supervisory Commission indicated in the Jin-Guan-Zheng-Shan No. 1030034970 letter and to reflect the fact that an audit committee will be established by ASE this year (2015) to replace supervisors, the Board of Directors approved the revision of some articles of the Procedure for Lending Funds to Other Parties in its meetings on September 11, 2014 and March 30, 2015, respectively.


2 Your approval of the comparison of revised articles of the Procedure for Lending Funds to Other Parties before and after revisions as shown in Attachment 6 is requested.

Case 4 (proposed by the Board of Directors)
Proposal: Please discuss the revision of the Procedure for Making Endorsements and Guarantees.

1.     To reflect the establishment of an audit committee by ASE to replace supervisors this year (2015), a resolution was reached in the Board of Directors' meeting on March 30, 2015 to revise some articles of the






       Procedure for Making Endorsements and Guarantees.


2.     Your approval of the comparison of revised articles of the Procedure for Making Endorsements and Guarantees before and after revisions as shown in Attachment 7 is requested.




Case 5 (proposed by the Board of Directors)

Proposal: Please discuss the revision of ASE’s Articles of Incorporation.

1.     To reflect the establishment of an audit committee by ASE to replace supervisors this year (2015), a resolution was reached in the Board of Directors' meeting on March 30, 2015 to revise some articles of ASE's Articles of Incorporation.


2.     Your approval of the comparison of ASE's Articles of Incorporation before and after revisions as shown in Attachment 8 is requested.






Case 1 (proposed by the Board of Directors)

Proposal: Election of directors for the new term is requested.

1.     ASE now has nine directors (including two independent directors) and five supervisors whose tenure will expire on June 21, 2015. To meet the requirement of the Financial Supervisory Commission for a mandatory audit committee, ASE will only elect directors for the new term this year (2015) and establish an audit committee to replace supervisors.


2.     In accordance with Article 16 of ASE's Articles of Incorporation, to reflect the establishment of an audit committee, during the election of 2015, 11 to 15 directors, including 3 independent directors and 8 to 12 non-independent directors will be elected for the new term. All of the directors will serve a term of three years. The resolution was reached by the Board of Directors on March 30, 2015 to elect 11 directors, including three independent directors and eight non-independent directors at this current shareholders' general meeting. The new directors will serve a term of three years that begin on June 24, 2015 and expires on June 23, 2018.


3.     List of independent director candidates and their related information are specified as follows:  





Name Education Experience Number of shares held
Sheng-fu You

Department of Accounting, National Taiwan University College of Management

Master, Graduate Institute of Accounting, National Chengchi University

²   ASE independent director and member of ASE's Remuneration Committee

²   Supervisor of Dynapack International Technology Corporation

²   Supervisor of San Fu Chemical Co., Ltd.

²   Supervisor of Arima Communications Corp.

²   Director of Arima Lasers Corp.

²   Independent director and member of Remuneration Committee of Yulon Motors

²   Member of Remuneration Committee of Taiwan Acceptance Corporation

²   Member of Remuneration Committee of Elite Material Co., Ltd.

²   CPA at Deloitte & Touche (Retired)

Ta-lin Hsu

Bachelor of Physics, National Taiwan University

Master of Physics, NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering

Doctor of Electrical Engineering, University of California - Berkeley

²   ASE independent director and member of ASE's Remuneration Committee

²   President and Founder of H&Q Asia Pacific

Mei-yueh Ho Bachelor of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University

²   Minister of Economic Affairs

²   Chairman of Council for Economic Planning And Development

²   Independent director and member of Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee of AU Optronics Corp.

²   Independent director and member of Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee of Bank of Kaohsiung

²   Independent director and member of Remuneration Committee of Kinpo Electronics, Inc.







Election outcome:  


Other Proposals


Case 1 (proposed by the Board of Directors)


Proposal: Waiver of non-competition clauses for newly elected directors of ASE

1.     Article 209 of the Company Act stipulates that directors should brief actions they are going to take within the scope of ASE's business operation for themselves or for others in the shareholders' meetings and obtain permission.


2.     If, following reelection, new directors are engaged in the investment or operation of a business entity whose scope of business is similar to that of ASE and acts as a director thereof, we request that the non-competition clauses applicable to the director be waived in order to allow him or her to act as a director or the representative of said business entity, provided that such waiver will not infringe upon the interests of ASE.



Extempore Motions


Meeting Ends




■ Attachment 1


Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.

Business Report


An overview of 2014 shows that the effectively increased domestic consumer spending and fixed investments during the second quarter in the US were the main driving forces for the economy to recover. The overall global economic performance, however, was not as powerful as expected despite the relatively steady growth compared to 2013. Only the semiconductor industry surprisingly had splendid performance. Gartner1 statistics show that the sales on the semiconductor market reached US$339.8 billion in 2014, a growth of 7.9% from 2013. Driven by the demand for telecommunication chips and consumer electronic products, relatively significant growth was also seen in the packaging and testing industry. ASE rendered impressive results under the joint effort from the whole staff. For the prospects of 2015, Gartner expects that the global semiconductor sales will reach US$ 358.3 billion, a growth of 5.4% from 2014. ASE will keep track of this economic trend and continue to work hard to reach new heights.


According to the report of the IEK ITIS Project, the IC packaging and testing industry in Taiwan produced output of NT$ 453.9 billion in 2014, a growth of 10.4% from 2013. Output of the packaging industry amounted to NT$ 316 billion, a growth of 11.1% from 2013. Output of the testing industry amounted to NT$ 137.9 billion, a growth of 8.9% from 2013. The following is our report on ASE’s operation for the past year:


"2014 Operating Results"


1.Implementation of the 2014 business plan


ASE’s combined revenue for 2014 totaled NT$ 256.6 billion, an increase of NT$ 36.7 billion and a growth of 16.7% from 2013. As far as the testing industry is concerned, the combined revenue in 2014 was NT$ 159.7 billion, an increase of around NT$ 16.4 billion and a growth of around 11.4% from 2013. The operating accomplishments of ASE throughout 2014 can mainly be divided into three parts, namely (1) continued growth on the advanced packaging market at a two-digit rate: The annual growth rate in the revenue from advanced packaging was 16% in 2014 and the momentum primarily came from system level packaging (Sip); (2) maintained leading position on the copper wire bonding market: The annual growth rate in the revenue from copper wire bonding was 15% in 2014. The market share increased and application of copper process on the market was expedited; and (3) strengthened system integration technology, including copper pillar flip-chip packaging, wafer assembly plus fan-out and embodiment technology.


2.Budget Implementation


ASE did not release any financial forecast in 2014.


3.Analysis of financial gains and losses and profitability


ASE's 2014 consolidated financial report shows paid-in capital of NT$ 78,715,179,000, with total equities that belong to the company's clients being NT$ 150,216,952,000, accounting for 45% of the total assets worth NT$ 333,971,460,000. Its long-term funds are 147% of fixed assets and current ratio is 144%. This year's ratios support a relatively better performance than the preceding year. This year's operating profit was NT$ 29,571,257,000, an increase of NT$ 7,526,934,000 and a growth of around 34% from 2013. The after-tax net





profit was NT$ 24,222,086,000, an increase of around 50% from the previous year. The overall operation of ASE this year, in both revenue and profitability, has significantly grown from the previous year, with outstanding performance, thanks to the robust macroeconomic recovery and the persistent effort throughout ASE.


4.R&D Overview


The constantly advancing information and telecommunication electronic products are the mainstream in the current PC era of the electronics industry throughout the world and set the prelude to a mobile computing era. Under the macro-trend that features universal cloud computing and the Internet of everything, wearable computing has also made its debut. The realization of a smart & better life will further drive multiplied growth in the needs for the said products. System integration during the post Moore's era will rely further on the semiconductor packaging, substrate, and testing industries to realize a high-performance, multi-functional, and low-power heterogeneous integration module that combines system level packaging (SiP) and system on chip (SoC); from a high end to the low end, all applications benefit from the development and grow quickly. ASE will continue to consolidate inter-industrial collaboration by researching and developing the three major core technologies and products combining customer demand and market orientation, namely . advanced packaging/module, copper wire bonding/flip-chip bumps, and moderate to low-pin-count packaging. New products and technologies successfully developed by ASE in 2014 are categorized as follows: (1) flip-chip packaging: 20 nm copper process/ultra-low dielectric coefficient with lead-free flip-chip assembly, selective sealing technology, high-density and high bandwidth stacking and packaging technology, multi-layer fine-line buried coreless wiring substrates. The technology also extends to certification of applications of 20 nm and 28 nm flip chips. (2) wire-bond assembly: development of the application of buried wiring substrates, advanced square flat pin-free packaging test, ultra-fine gap and ultra-thin copper/gold wire bond assembly. The technology also extends to certification of applications of 20 nm and 28 nm wire-bond assembly. (3) wafer assembly: stacked wafer thinning, large-size wafer chip packaging, sensor through silicon vias, integrated passive components, 2.5D through silicon vias stacking application certification, fine pitch tin-silver/copper pillar electroplated bumps and certification of applications. (4) Advanced packaging and module: wireless sensor module packaging, sectional protection against electromagnetic interference, highly integrated multi-modular and multi-frequency 3G telecommunication modules, high-density SiP packaging telecommunication LTE modules, etc.


"Overview of 2015 Business Plan"


1.Operating policy

(1) Providing customers with "best-quality" services; (2) creating long-term and steady profits for the company and customers; (3) working together with partners for a promising future; (4) training employees to become outstanding professionals in respective fields; (5) treating all employees "fairly and reasonably"; (6) providing employees with a "harmonious, pleasant, and open" workplace; (7) remaining flexible wherever possible during operation.


2.Projected sales volume and basis


In light of current industry dynamics, future market demand and ASE’s capacity, the projected sales volume for 2015 is as follows:






Item Projected Sales
Packaging Approx. 17.6 billion chips
Testing Approx. 2.5 billion chips


3.Important production and sales policies


During the past ten years, ASE successfully secured better 10-year composite annual growth rates in consolidated revenue, semiconductor packaging revenue, electronic contract manufacturing revenue, and group-wide net profits compared to that for the whole semiconductor industry during the same period. Observations from 2010 to 2014 revealed that capital expenditure on packaging machinery and equipment of ASE accounted for around 10% to 12% of its overall capital expenditure on all semiconductor packaging equipment. Given the market share of ASE on the global contract packaging market of 21% to 22%, it is proof of reasonable capital expenditure and efficient management and operation of ASE. The historical growth pattern of ASE will continue in its 2015 operation. The growth trend will continue to be led by the packaging segment; both the market share and system integration will be increased. In addition, as far as the copper wire bond assembly is concerned, by the fourth quarter of 2014, only 37% of integrated device manufacturers switched to the copper process. ASE will continue to develop sales to integrated device manufacturers in the future. Also by the fourth quarter of 2014, system level packaging accounted for around 18% of the overall revenue of ASE; the goal is to increase the portion to 30% in the future. Finally, the operation model combining system level packaging and electronic contract manufacturing business will be the powerful driving force for ASE's growth.


"Future Development Strategy"


While the world enters a data-driven economy era with the Internet of everything topping the list, ASE is being visionary among this future trend by consolidating system level packaging. Besides investing in capacity-related technologies, ASE also proactively explores prospective partners to form a global strategic alliance. Together with its partners, ASE will establish the framework for the Internet of everything system applying group-based strategies to welcome the arrival of data-driven economy. In addition, in the constantly-changing market and environment, we are leading the industry in the development of the latest technology and adoption of new materials and processes to help IC-design customers remain their leading position and come out on top; this is also ASE's mission. Meanwhile, to fulfill its commitment to honoring its corporate social responsibility, ASE started in 2014 to donate at least NT$ 100 million a year and the effort will continue for at least 30 years, that is, a combined value of at least NT$ 3 billion, to the promotion of environmental protection-related tasks in Taiwan. Everyone acts on the belief "fall to rise and never give up" and keeps progressing without stop; this is ASE's underlying spirit.





"Impacts from External Competitive, Regulatory and Overall Operating Environments"


Forecast data of multiple research institutes show that the global economy is likely to gradually turn better in the coming year, which is expected to also drive domestic economy at the same time. Continuous and steady recovery is expected of the US economy in 2015. Other favorable factors such as falling international oil prices and relaxed monetary policies adopted by most governments also add new highlights to the economic growth in the coming year. Nevertheless, geopolitical conflicts and the Ebola epidemic in the international society are hidden concerns and have instilled uncertainty to the world economy. As far as the situation in Taiwan is concerned, impacts triggered by the Red Supply Chain storm and the delay in the signing of the Free Trade Agreement and its negotiations are reminding us of dealing with challenges in the future more carefully. The operational breakthroughs made by ASE in 2014 are the accomplishments that everyone within ASE and its business partners should be proud of! We have not only set an important milestone but also laid a solid groundwork for flourishing developments in the future. We were constantly making breakthroughs in sales and setting many new records in 2014. We also depicted an innovative blueprint and vision for the future. In the coming five, ten, and 30 years, however, ASE will be faced with sterner challenges. We can only approach the future with steady steps in an unfavorable environment when we stay together and work hard. Let's hold hands and jointly protect ASE that belongs to us to make it grow further and keep track of the industrial trends in the future to take lead in the next wave of electronic revolution.


Chairman: Jason C.S. Chang President: Richard H.P. Chang Accountant Manager: Hong-Ming Kuo


[1] Source: Forecast Analysis: Electronics and Semiconductors, Worldwide, 4Q14 Update, Published: 16 January 2015, Analyst(s): Ganesh Ramamoorthy, Bryan Lewis, Ben Lee, etc.


The Gartner Report(s) described herein, (the "Gartner Report(s)") represent(s) data, research opinion or viewpoints published, as part of a syndicated subscription service, by Gartner, Inc. ("Gartner"), and are not representations of fact. Each Gartner Report speaks as of its original publication date (and not as of the date of this Filing) and the opinions expressed in the Gartner Report(s) are subject to change without notice.




■Attachment 2


Supervisors' Report


The Board of Directors has prepared and submitted the 2014 financial statements, which have been audited and certified by CPAs Chen Zhen-li and Jiang Jia-ling of Deloitte. These, the business report, and other forms including the resolution to distribute earnings have been reviewed by us. We are of the opinion that, in accordance with Article 219 of the Company Act, they correctly portray ASE's business activities and submit this report for your examination.







Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.



Supervisors: YY Tseng


David Pan



TS Chen



JJ Lee



Jerry Chang




April 8, 2015








■Attachment 3






  Advanced Semiconductor Engineering,
  Inc. and Subsidiaries
  Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31,
  2013 and 2014 and for the Years Ended December 31,
  2012, 2013 and 2014 and Report of Independent
  Registered Public Accounting Firm













To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. (a corporation incorporated under the laws of the Republic of China) and its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Group”) as of December 31, 2013 and 2014, and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2014, all expressed in New Taiwan dollars. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Group’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall consolidated financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Group as of December 31, 2013 and 2014, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2014, in conformity with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board.


Our audits also comprehended the translation of New Taiwan dollar amounts into U.S. dollar amounts and, in our opinion, such translation has been made in conformity with the basis stated in Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements. Such U.S. dollar amounts are presented solely for the convenience of the readers.

We have also audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the Group’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2014, based on the criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission and our report dated March 11, 2015 expressed an unqualified opinion on the Group’s internal control over financial reporting.


Taipei, Taiwan

Republic of China



March 11, 2015




(Amounts in Thousands)

   December 31,

December 31,


ASSETS  NT$  NT$  US$ (Note 4)
Cash and cash equivalents (Notes 4 and 6)  $45,026,371   $51,694,410   $1,635,899 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - current (Notes 4, 5 and 7)   2,764,269    4,988,843    157,875 
Available-for-sale financial assets - current (Notes 4 and 8)   2,376,970    1,533,265    48,521 
Trade receivables, net (Notes 4 and 10)   43,235,573    52,920,810    1,674,709 
Other receivables (Note 4)   422,345    537,122    16,997 
Current tax assets (Notes 4 and 24)   150,596    65,312    2,067 
Inventories (Notes 4, 5 and 11)   16,281,236    20,163,093    638,072 
Inventories related to real estate business (Notes 4, 5, 12, 23 and 34)   18,589,255    23,986,478    759,066 
Other financial assets - current (Notes 4 and 34)   278,375    638,592    20,209 
Other current assets   3,051,492    3,427,265    108,458 
Total current assets   132,176,482    159,955,190    5,061,873 
NON-CURRENT ASSETS               
Available-for-sale financial assets - non-current (Notes 4 and 8)   1,140,329    941,105    29,782 
Investments accounted for using the equity method (Notes 4 and 13)   1,205,158    1,468,242    46,463 
Property, plant and equipment (Notes 4, 5, 14, 23, 34 and 35)   131,497,331    151,587,115    4,797,061 
Goodwill (Notes 4, 5 and 15)   10,347,820    10,445,415    330,551 
Other intangible assets (Notes 4, 5, 16 and 23)   1,605,824    1,467,871    46,452 
Deferred tax assets (Notes 4, 5 and 24)   3,684,702    4,265,220    134,975 
Other financial assets - non-current (Notes 4 and 34)   354,993    367,345    11,625 
Long-term prepayments for lease (Note 17)   4,072,281    2,585,964    81,834 
Other non-current assets   637,163    635,350    20,106 
Total non-current assets   154,545,601    173,763,627    5,498,849 
TOTAL  $286,722,083   $333,718,817   $10,560,722 





(Amounts in Thousands)

   December 31, 2013 

December 31,


Short-term borrowings (Note 18)  $44,618,195   $41,176,033   $1,303,039 
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss - current (Notes 4, 5 and 7)   1,853,304    2,651,352    83,903 
Derivative financial liabilities for hedging - current (Notes 4, 5 and 9)   3,310    —      —   
Trade payables   28,988,976    35,411,281    1,120,610 
Other payables (Note 20)   14,758,553    22,364,516    707,738 
Current tax liabilities (Notes 4 and 24)   4,225,390    6,630,696    209,832 
Advance real estate receipts (Note 4)   19,248    480,325    15,200 
Current portion of bonds payable (Notes 4 and 19)   731,438    —      —   
Current portion of long-term borrowings (Notes 18 and 34)   5,276,206    2,831,007    89,589 
Other current liabilities   1,585,177    2,134,917    67,561 
Total current liabilities   102,059,797    113,680,127    3,597,472 
Bonds payable (Notes 4 and 19)   20,582,567    31,270,131    989,561 
Long-term borrowings (Notes 18 and 34)   29,580,659    24,104,424    762,798 
Deferred tax liabilities (Notes 4, 5 and 24)   2,663,767    3,932,819    124,456 
Long-term payables (Note 20)   894,150    —      —   
Accrued pension liabilities (Notes 4, 5 and 21)   4,545,960    4,382,530    138,688 
Other non-current liabilities   651,171    657,392    20,804 
Total non-current liabilities   58,918,274    64,347,296    2,036,307 
Total liabilities   160,978,071    178,027,423    5,633,779 
Share capital   78,180,258    78,715,179    2,490,987 
Capital surplus   7,921,375    16,013,980    506,772 
Retained earnings               
Legal reserve   8,720,971    10,289,878    325,629 
Special reserve   3,663,930    3,353,938    106,137 
Unappropriated earnings   25,190,778    36,000,026    1,139,241 
Total retained earnings   37,575,679    49,643,842    1,571,007 
Other equity   (102,554)   5,067,640    160,368 
Treasury shares   (1,959,107)   (1,959,107)   (61,997)
Equity attributable to owners of the Company   121,615,651    147,481,534    4,667,137 





(Amounts in Thousands)

   December 31, 2013 

December 31,


   NT$  NT$  US$ (Note 4)
NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS (Notes 4 and 22)  $4,128,361   $8,209,860   $259,806 
Total equity   125,744,012    155,691,394    4,926,943 
TOTAL  $286,722,083   $333,718,817   $10,560,722 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. (Concluded)





(Amounts in Thousands Except Earnings Per Share)

   For the Years Ended December 31
   2012  2013  2014
   NT$  NT$  NT$  US$ (Note 4)
OPERATING REVENUES (Note 4)  $193,972,392   $219,862,446   $256,591,447   $8,119,983 
OPERATING COSTS (Notes 11, 21 and 23)   157,342,744    177,040,435    203,002,918    6,424,143 
GROSS PROFIT   36,629,648    42,822,011    53,588,529    1,695,840 
OPERATING EXPENSES (Notes 21 and 23)                    
Selling and marketing expenses   2,766,880    2,982,789    3,438,166    108,803 
General and administrative expenses   8,283,264    8,712,862    10,214,810    323,254 
Research and development expenses   7,872,422    9,064,712    10,289,684    325,623 
Total operating expenses   18,922,566    20,760,363    23,942,660    757,680 
Other income and expenses (Notes 20 and 23)   83,192    (1,348,246)   228,615    7,235 
PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS   17,790,274    20,713,402    29,874,484    945,395 
Other income (Note 23)   553,088    493,884    529,251    16,749 
Other gains and losses (Note 23)   244,830    447,886    607,299    19,218 
Finance costs (Note 23)   (2,042,544)   (2,307,455)   (2,354,097)   (74,497)
Share of the profit or loss of associates (Note 4)   63,076    22,039    (121,882)   (3,857)
Total non-operating income and expenses   (1,181,550)   (1,343,646)   (1,339,429)   (42,387)
PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX   16,608,724    19,369,756    28,535,055    903,008 
INCOME TAX EXPENSE (Notes 4, 5 and 24)   2,960,426    3,499,595    5,665,954    179,302 
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR   13,648,298    15,870,161    22,869,101    723,706 
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                    
Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation   (818,546)   412,225    (28,145)   (891)
Share of other comprehensive income of associates   —      —      (1,031)   (32)





(Amounts in Thousands Except Earnings Per Share)

   For the Years Ended December 31
   2012  2013  2014
   NT$  NT$  NT$  US$ (Note 4)
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified subsequently  $140,880   $(66,706)  $23,885   $756 
    (677,666)   345,519    (5,291)   (167)
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:                    
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations   (3,269,623)   2,817,268    5,405,008    171,044 
Unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale financial assets   16,539    14,839    (133,714)   (4,232)
Cash flow hedges   53,755    1,245    3,279    104 
Share of other comprehensive income of associates   55,401    55,183    235,156    7,442 
Income tax relating to items that may be reclassified subsequently   (9,138)   (769)   —      —   
    (3,153,066)   2,887,766    5,509,729    174,358 
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year, net of income tax   (3,830,732)   3,233,285    5,504,438    174,191 
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR  $9,817,566   $19,103,446   $28,373,539   $897,897 
Owners of the Company  $13,191,617   $15,404,505   $22,228,602   $703,437 
Non-controlling interests   456,681    465,656    640,499    20,269 
   $13,648,298   $15,870,161   $22,869,101   $723,706 
Owners of the Company  $9,420,363   $18,509,604   $27,394,362   $866,910 
Non-controlling interests   397,203    593,842    979,177    30,987 
   $9,817,566   $19,103,446   $28,373,539   $897,897 
EARNINGS PER SHARE (Note 25)                    
Basic  $1.77   $2.05   $2.89   $0.09 
Diluted  $1.73   $1.99   $2.79   $0.09 
Basic  $8.86   $10.26   $14.46   $0.46 
Diluted  $8.65   $9.96   $13.93   $0.44 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. (Concluded)





(Amounts in Thousands)

   Equity Attributable to Owners of the Company      
                        Other Equity            
                        Differences on  Unrealized Gain                  
   Share Capital     Retained Earnings  Translating  on Available-                  
   Shares              Unappropriated     Foreign  for-sale  Cash Flow           Non-controlling   
   (In Thousands)  Amounts  Capital Surplus  Legal Reserve  Special Reserve  Earnings  Total  Operations  Financial Assets  Hedges  Total  Treasury Shares  Total  Interests  Total Equity
BALANCE AT JANUARY 1, 2012   6,755,707   $67,571,325   $3,976,014   $6,039,239   $1,272,417   $23,915,690   $31,227,346   $—     $283,460   $(48,372)  $235,088   $(4,731,741)  $98,278,032   $1,512,947   $99,790,979 
Profit for the year ended December 31, 2012   —      —      —      —      —      13,191,617    13,191,617    —      —      —      —      —      13,191,617    456,681    13,648,298 
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2012, net of income tax   —      —      —      —      —      (677,417)   (677,417)   (3,210,248)   71,794    44,617    (3,093,837)   —      (3,771,254)   (59,478)   (3,830,732)
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2012   —      —      —      —      —      12,514,200    12,514,200    (3,210,248)   71,794    44,617    (3,093,837)   —      9,420,363    397,203    9,817,566 
Appropriation of 2011 earnings                                                                           
Legal reserve   —      —      —      1,372,596    —      (1,372,596)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Special reserve   —      —      —      —      (1,272,417)   1,272,417    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Cash dividends distributed by the Company   —      —      —      —      —      (4,325,284)   (4,325,284)   —      —      —      —      —      (4,325,284)   —      (4,325,284)
Share dividends distributed by the Company   931,600    9,315,995    —      —      —      (9,315,995)   (9,315,995)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
    931,600    9,315,995    —      1,372,596    (1,272,417)   (13,741,458)   (13,641,279)   —      —      —      —      —      (4,325,284)   —      (4,325,284)
Cash dividends distributed by subsidiaries   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (22,799)   (22,799)
Cancel of treasury shares   (105,475)   (1,054,750)   (1,427,861)   —      —      (290,023)   (290,023)   —      —      —      —      2,772,634    —      —      —   
Issue of dividends received by subsidiaries from the parent company   —      —      83,117    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      83,117    —      83,117 
Changes in capital surplus from investments in associates accounted for using the equity method   —      —      1,790    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      1,790    —      1,790 
Partial disposal of interests in subsidiaries and additional acquisition of partially-owned subsidiaries (Notes 22 and 28)   —      —      2,178,714    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      2,178,714    1,443,198    3,621,912 
Issue of ordinary shares under employee share options   20,460    215,097    462,860    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      677,957    175,194    853,151 
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2012   7,602,292    76,047,667    5,274,634    7,411,835    —      22,398,409    29,810,244    (3,210,248)   355,254    (3,755)   (2,858,749)   (1,959,107)   106,314,689    3,505,743    109,820,432 
Special reserve under Rule No. 1010012865 issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission (Note 22)   —      —      —      —      3,353,938    (3,353,938)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Profit for the year ended December 31, 2013   —      —      —      —      —      15,404,505    15,404,505    —      —      —      —      —      15,404,505    465,656    15,870,161 
Other comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2013, net of income tax   —      —      —      —      —      348,904    348,904    2,684,727    70,992    476    2,756,195    —      3,105,099    128,186    3,233,285 
Total comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2013   —      —      —      —      —      15,753,409    15,753,409    2,684,727    70,992    476    2,756,195    —      18,509,604    593,842    19,103,446 
Issue of ordinary shares for cash (Note 22)   130,000    1,300,000    2,093,000    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      3,393,000    —      3,393,000 
Appropriation of 2012 earnings                                                                           
Legal reserve   —      —      —      1,309,136    —      (1,309,136)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Special reserve   —      —      —      —      309,992    (309,992)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Cash dividends distributed by the Company   —      —      —      —      —      (7,987,974)   (7,987,974)   —      —      —      —      —      (7,987,974)   —      (7,987,974)
    —      —      —      1,309,136    309,992    (9,607,102)   (7,987,974)   —      —      —      —      —      (7,987,974)   —      (7,987,974)
Cash dividends distributed by subsidiaries   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (99,597)   (99,597)
Issue of dividends received by subsidiaries from the parent company   —      —      153,097    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      153,097    —      153,097 
Partial disposal of interests in subsidiaries and additional acquisition of partially-owned subsidiaries (Notes 22 and 28)   —      —      (330)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (330)   27,826    27,496 
Changes in capital surplus from investments in associates accounted for using the equity method   —      —      1,457    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      1,457    —      1,457 
Issue of ordinary shares under employee share options   55,535    832,591    399,517    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      1,232,108    100,547    1,332,655 
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2013   7,787,827    78,180,258    7,921,375    8,720,971    3,663,930    25,190,778    37,575,679    (525,521)   426,246    (3,279)   (102,554)   (1,959,107)   121,615,651    4,128,361    125,744,012 
Profit for the year ended December 31, 2014   —      —      —      —      —      22,228,602    22,228,602    —      —      —      —      —      22,228,602    640,499    22,869,101 
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2014, net of income tax   —      —      —      —      —      (4,434)   (4,434)   5,066,383    100,532    3,279    5,170,194    —      5,165,760    338,678    5,504,438 





(Amounts in Thousands)

   Equity Attributable to Owners of the Company      
                        Other Equity            
                        Differences on  Unrealized Gain                  
   Share Capital     Retained Earnings  Translating  on Available-                  
   Shares              Unappropriated     Foreign  for-sale  Cash Flow           Non-controlling   
   (In Thousands)  Amounts  Capital Surplus  Legal Reserve  Special Reserve  Earnings  Total  Operations  Financial Assets  Hedges  Total  Treasury Shares  Total  Interests  Total Equity
Total comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2014   —     $—     $—     $—     $—     $22,224,168   $22,224,168   $5,066,383   $100,532   $3,279   $5,170,194   $—     $27,394,362   $979,177   $28,373,539 
Appropriation of 2013 earnings                                                                           
Legal reserve   —      —      —      1,568,907    —      (1,568,907)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Special reserve   —      —      —      —      (309,992)   309,992    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Cash dividends distributed by the Company   —      —      —      —      —      (10,156,005)   (10,156,005)   —      —      —      —      —      (10,156,005)   —      (10,156,005)
    —      —      —      1,568,907    (309,992)   (11,414,920)   (10,156,005)   —      —      —      —      —      (10,156,005)   —      (10,156,005)
Issue of dividends received by subsidiaries from the parent company   —      —      188,790    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      188,790    —      188,790 
Partial disposal of interests in subsidiaries and additional acquisition of partially-owned subsidiaries (Notes 22 and 28)   —      —      6,876,866    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      6,876,866    3,067,712    9,944,578 
Changes in capital surplus from investments in associates accounted for using the equity method   —      —      26,884    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      26,884    —      26,884 
Issue of ordinary shares under employee share options   73,898    534,921    1,000,065    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      1,534,986    120,376    1,655,362 
Cash dividends distributed by subsidiaries   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (85,766)   (85,766)
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2014   7,861,725   $78,715,179   $16,013,980   $10,289,878   $3,353,938   $36,000,026   $49,643,842   $4,540,862   $526,778   $—     $5,067,640   $(1,959,107)  $147,481,534   $8,209,860   $155,691,394 
US. DOLLARS (Note 4)                                                                           
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2014   7,861,725   $2,490,987   $506,772   $325,629   $106,137   $1,139,241   $1,571,007   $143,698   $16,670   $—     $160,368   $(61,997)  $4,667,137   $259,806   $4,926,943 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. (Concluded)




(Amounts in Thousands)

   For the Years Ended December 31
   2012  2013  2014
   NT$  NT$  NT$  US$ (Note 4)
Profit before income tax  $16,608,724   $19,369,756   $28,535,055   $903,008 
Adjustments for:                    
Depreciation expense   22,473,857    24,696,607    25,805,042    816,615 
Amortization expense   962,022    774,304    545,734    17,270 
Net (gains) losses on fair value change of financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss   717,664    (795,359)   (1,838,840)   (58,191)
Interest expense   2,004,315    2,257,144    2,324,426    73,558 
Interest income   (322,197)   (212,801)   (243,474)   (7,705)
Dividend income   (66,129)   (131,449)   (101,252)   (3,204)
Compensation cost of employee share options   537,461    260,801    110,157    3,486 
Share of loss (profit) of associates   (63,076)   (22,039)   121,882    3,857 
Impairment loss recognized on financial assets   23,693    196,325    28,421    899 
Impairment loss recognized on non-financial assets   592,972    949,015    899,480    28,465 
(Reversal of) compensation cost for the settlement of legal claims   —      894,150    (91,305)   (2,889)
Others   (263,456)   451,240    1,808,677    57,236 
Changes in operating assets and liabilities                    
Financial assets held for trading   871,970    1,122,280    823,313    26,054 
Trade receivables   (6,683,680)   (5,767,254)   (9,703,070)   (307,059)
Other receivables   252,044    (6,540)   (8,625)   (273)
Inventories   (2,434,715)   (3,241,115)   (8,208,824)   (259,773)
Other current assets   (543,304)   (108,425)   102,353    3,239 
Financial liabilities held for trading   (805,635)   (1,011,975)   (835,779)   (26,449)
Trade payables   2,992,599    4,722,462    6,422,305    203,238 
Other payables   (96,222)   1,068,223    3,045,452    96,375 
Other current liabilities   738,146    2,796    703,764    22,271 
Other operating activities items   (695,839)   (191,631)   (187,727)   (5,941)
    36,801,214    45,276,515    50,057,165    1,584,087 
Interest received   337,819    182,164    233,457    7,388 
Dividend received   121,033    176,058    101,252    3,204 
Interest paid   (2,140,357)   (2,200,143)   (2,065,244)   (65,356)
Income tax paid   (2,081,690)   (2,138,639)   (2,463,153)   (77,947)
Net cash generated from operating activities   33,038,019    41,295,955    45,863,477    1,451,376 





(Amounts in Thousands)

   For the Years Ended December 31
   2012  2013  2014
   NT$  NT$  NT$  US$ (Note 4)
Purchase of financial assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss  $(11,624,529)  $(53,135,894)  $(108,958,658)  $(3,448,059)
Proceeds from disposal of financial assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss   7,788,016    55,032,536    109,825,159    3,475,480 
Purchase of available-for-sale financial assets   (891,233)   (3,474,152)   (3,565,428)   (112,830)
Proceeds on sale of available-for-sale financial assets   824,343    1,093,408    4,388,130    138,865 
Cash received from return of capital by available-for-sale financial assets   34,598    27,368    20,411    646 
Purchase of held-to-maturity financial assets   —      (88,169)   —      —   
Proceeds on sale of held-to-maturity financial assets   —      73,716    —      —   
Purchase of Investments accounted for using the equity method   —      —      (100,000)   (3,165)
Net cash outflow on acquisition of subsidiaries   (261,607)   (250,387)   —      —   
Payments for property, plant and equipment   (39,029,496)   (29,142,719)   (39,598,964)   (1,253,132)
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment   484,800    351,546    421,207    13,329 
Payments for intangible assets   (445,951)   (313,110)   (396,466)   (12,546)
Proceeds from disposal of intangible assets   4,309    —      —      —   
Decrease in other financial assets   217,468    4,513    (372,569)   (11,790)
Increase in other non-current assets   (918,566)   (104,499)   (480,711)   (15,212)
Net cash used in investing activities   (43,817,848)   (29,925,843)   (38,817,889)   (1,228,414)
Net proceeds from (repayment of) short-term borrowings   13,919,793    7,051,874    (3,442,162)   (108,929)
Proceeds from issue of bonds   —      11,900,051    8,888,562    281,284 
Repayment of bonds   —      —      (729,790)   (23,095)
Proceeds from long-term borrowings   13,840,778    28,715,694    32,030,868    1,013,635 
Repayment of long-term borrowings   (18,969,491)   (31,382,333)   (40,978,403)   (1,296,785)
Dividends paid   (4,242,167)   (7,834,877)   (9,967,215)   (315,418)
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares   —      3,393,000    —      —   
Proceeds from exercise of employee share options   315,690    1,071,854    1,498,343    47,416 
Increase (decrease) in non-controlling interests   3,602,439    (72,101)   9,905,673    313,470 
Other financing activities items   (11,287)   (48,291)   (2,879)   (91)





(Amounts in Thousands)

   For the Years Ended December 31
   2012  2013  2014
   NT$  NT$  NT$  US$ (Note 4)
Net cash generated from (used in) financing activities  $8,455,755   $12,794,871   $(2,797,003)  $(88,513)
NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS   (3,973,529)   25,032,855    6,668,039    211,014 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR   23,967,045    19,993,516    45,026,371    1,424,885 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR  $19,993,516   $45,026,371   $51,694,410   $1,635,899 


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements. (Concluded)






  Advanced Semiconductor Engineering,
  Financial Statements for the
  Years Ended December 31, 2014 and 2013 and
  Independent Auditors’ Report












The Board of Directors and Shareholders

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc.


We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the related statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.


We conducted our audits in accordance with the Rules Governing the Audit of Financial Statements by Certified Public Accountants and auditing standards generally accepted in the Republic of China. Those rules and standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2014 and 2013, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2014 and 2013, in conformity with the Regulations Governing the Preparation of Financial Reports by Securities Issuers.


The accompanying schedules of major accounting items of the Company as of and for the year ended December 31, 2014 are presented for the purpose of additional analysis.   Such schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures described in the second paragraph. In our opinion, such schedules are consistent, in all material respects, with the financial statements required to in the first paragraph.




February 26, 2015


Notice to Readers


The accompanying financial statements are intended only to present the financial position, financial performance and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in the Republic of China and not those of any other jurisdictions. The standards, procedures and practices to audit such financial statements are those generally applied in the Republic of China.


For the convenience of readers, the independent auditors’ report and the accompanying financial statements have been translated into English from the original Chinese version prepared and used in the Republic of China. If there is any conflict between the English version and the original Chinese version or any difference in the interpretation of the two versions, the Chinese-language independent auditors’ report and financial statements shall prevail.




DECEMBER 31, 2014 AND 2013

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

   December 31, 2014  December 31, 2013     December 31, 2014  December 31, 2013
ASSETS  Amount  %  Amount  %  LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY  Amount  %  Amount  %
Cash  $11,254,517    4   $14,959,268    7   Short-term borrowings  $11,636,241    4   $11,721,924    5 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss -                      Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or                    
 current   1,990,183    1    302,273    —      loss - current   2,540,418    1    1,793,652    1 
Available-for-sale financial assets - current   400,007    —      2,312,147    1   Trade payables   6,965,763    3    6,239,588    3 
Trade receivables, net   16,473,504    6    12,061,441    6   Trade payables to related parties   1,223,750    —      1,074,901    1 
Trade receivables from related parties   5,082,423    2    2,418,651    1   Other payables   12,352,075    5    7,941,207    4 
Other receivables   1,414,007    1    962,907    —     Other payables to related parties   30,653,624    12    18,107,805    8 
Other receivables from related parties   36,699    —      46,202    —     Current tax liabilities   1,617,605    1    803,419    —   
Inventories   4,323,668    2    3,642,616    2   Current portion of long-term borrowings   1,085,143    —      1,028,571    —   
Other current assets   508,010    —      303,545    —     Other current liabilities   493,126    —      448,069    —   
Total current assets   41,483,018    16    37,009,050    17   Total current liabilities   68,567,745    26    49,159,136    22 
NON - CURRENT ASSETS                      NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                    
Available-for-sale financial assets - non-current   542,147    —      592,557    —     Bonds payable   19,270,613    8    18,152,195    8 
Investments accounted for using the equity method   139,054,506    53    118,011,718    53   Long-term borrowings   18,355,554    7    25,787,145    12 
Property, plant and equipment   77,640,995    30    63,122,172    29   Deferred tax liabilities   2,897,155    1    1,892,418    1 
Goodwill   958,620    —      958,620    —     Long-term payables   —      —      894,150    —   
Other intangible assets   486,192    —      393,759    —     Accrued pension liabilities   2,419,189    1    2,488,363    1 
Deferred tax assets   1,020,403    1    1,019,230    1   Other non-current liabilities   1,517    —      19,783    —   
Other financial assets - non-current   215,784    —      214,803    —                          
Long-term prepayments for lease   195,879    —      19,141    —     Total non-current liabilities   42,944,028    17    49,234,054    22 
Other non-current assets   131,181    —      72,761    —                          
                           Total liabilities   111,511,773    43    98,393,190    44 
Total non-current assets   220,245,707    84    184,404,761    83                        
                       Share capital                    
                       Ordinary shares   78,525,378    30    77,560,040    35 
                       Capital received in advance   189,801    —      620,218    —   
                       Total share capital   78,715,179    30    78,180,258    35 
                       Capital surplus   15,995,671    6    7,908,870    4 
                       Retained earnings                    
                       Legal reserve   10,289,878    4    8,720,971    4 
                       Special reserve   3,353,938    1    3,663,930    2 
                       Unappropriated earnings   38,753,462    15    26,608,253    12 
                       Total retained earnings   52,397,278    20    38,993,154    18 
                       Other euqity   5,067,931    2    (102,554)   —   
                       Treasury shares   (1,959,107)   (1)   (1,959,107)   (1)
                       Total equity   150,216,952    57    123,020,621    56 
TOTAL  $261,728,725    100   $221,413,811    100   TOTAL  $261,728,725    100   $221,413,811    100 




(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars, Except Earnings Per Share)

   2014  2013
   Amount  %  Amount  %
OPERATING REVENUE  $96,678,100    100   $82,329,117    100 
OPERATING COSTS   67,316,934    70    60,064,369    73 
GROSS PROFIT   29,361,166    30    22,264,748    27 
OPERATING EXPENSES                    
Selling and marketing expenses   1,110,116    1    903,186    1 
General and administrative expenses   4,522,027    5    3,561,931    4 
Research and development expenses   5,472,965    5    4,862,834    6 
Total operating expenses   11,105,108    11    9,327,951    11 
PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS   18,256,058    19    12,936,797    16 
Other income   114,369    —      116,525    —   
Other gains and losses   8,043    —      (403,734)   (1)
Finance costs   (1,001,974)   (1)   (817,169)   (1)
Share of the profit of subsidiaries and associates   8,736,876    9    5,562,724    7 
Total non-operating income and expenses   7,857,314    8    4,458,346    5 
PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX   26,113,372    27    17,395,143    21 
INCOME TAX EXPENSE   2,520,705    2    1,706,069    2 
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR   23,592,667    25    15,689,074    19 
Unrealized gain on available-for-sale financial assets   2,376    —      42,254    —   
Cash flow hedges   —      —      4,524    —   
Share of other comprehensive income of subsidiaries and associates   5,149,012    5    2,855,480    4 
Remeasurement of defined benefit obligation   (16,194)   —      251,036    —   
Income tax relating to the components of other comprehensive income or loss   2,753    —      (43,445)   —   
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of income tax   5,137,947    5    3,109,849    4 
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR  $28,730,614    30   $18,798,923    23 
EARNINGS PER SHARE                    
Basic  $3.07        $2.09      
Diluted  $2.95        $2.03      




(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)

                        Other Equity      
                        Exchange  Unrealized            
                        Differences on  Gain on            
   Share Capital     Retained Earnings  Translating  Available-for-            
   Shares     Capital     Special  Unappropriated     Foreign  sale Financial  Cash Flow        Total
   (In thousands)  Amount  Surplus  Legal Reserve  Reserve  Earnings  Total  Operations  Assets  Hedges  Total  Treasury Shares  Equity
BALANCE AT JANUARY 1, 2013   7,602,292   $76,047,667   $5,262,129   $7,411,835   $—     $23,526,565   $30,938,400   $(3,210,248)  $355,254   $(3,755)  $(2,858,749)  $(1,959,107)  $107,430,340 
Special reserve under Rule No.1010012865 issued by the  Financial Supervisory Commission   —      —      —      —      3,353,938    (3,353,938)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Profit for the year ended December 31, 2013   —      —      —      —      —      15,689,074    15,689,074    —      —      —      —      —      15,689,074 
Other comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2013, net of income tax   —      —      —      —      —      353,654    353,654    2,684,727    70,992    476    2,756,195    —      3,109,849 
Total comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2013   —      —      —      —      —      16,042,728    16,042,728    2,684,727    70,992    476    2,756,195    —      18,798,923 
Issue of ordinary shares for cash   130,000    1,300,000    2,093,000    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      3,393,000 
Appropriation of 2012 earnings                                                                 
Legal reserve   —      —      —      1,309,136    —      (1,309,136)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Special reserve   —      —      —      —      309,992    (309,992)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Cash dividends   —      —      —      —      —      (7,987,974)   (7,987,974)   —      —      —      —      —      (7,987,974)
    —      —      —      1,309,136    309,992    (9,607,102)   (7,987,974)   —      —      —      —      —      (7,987,974)
Issue of dividends received by subsidiaries   —      —      153,097    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      153,097 
Changes in capital surplus from investments in subsidiaries and associates accounted for using the equity method   —      —      1,457    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      1,457 
Partial disposal of interests in subsidiaries and additional acquisition of partially-owned subsidiaries   —      —      (330)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      (330)
Issue of ordinary shares under employee share options   55,535    832,591    399,517    —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      —      1,232,108 
BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 2013   7,787,827    78,180,258    7,908,870    8,720,971    3,663,930    26,608,253    38,993,154    (525,521)   426,246    (3,279)   (102,554)   (1,959,107)   123,020,621 
Profit for the year ended December 31, 2014   —      —      —      —      —      23,592,667    23,592,667    —      —      —      —      —      23,592,667 
Other comprehensive income (loss) for the year ended December 31, 2014, net of income tax   —      —      —      —      —      (32,538)   (32,538)   5,066,674    100,532    3,279    5,170,485    —      5,137,947 
Total comprehensive income for the year ended December 31, 2014   —      —      —      —      —      23,560,129    23,560,129    5,066,674    100,532    3,279    5,170,485    —      28,730,614 
Appropriation of 2013 earnings                                                                 
Legal reserve   —      —      —      1,568,907    —      (1,568,907)   —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
Cash dividends   —      —      —      —      —      (10,156,005)   (10,156,005)   —      —      —      —      —      (10,156,005)
Special reserve   —      —      —      —      (309,992)   309,992    —      —      —      —      —      —      —   
    —      —      —      1,568,907    (309,992)   (11,414,920)   (10,156,005)   —      —      —      —      —      (10,156,005)
Issue of dividends received by subsidiaries   —      —      188,790    —      —      —      —      —