
                                 U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION
                                          Washington, DC 20549

[ ] Check box if no
    longer subject to         Filed pursuant to Section 16(a) of the Securities
    Section 16. Form 4            Exchange Act of 1934, Section 17(a) of the
    or Form 5 obligations         Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
    may continue. See              or Section 30(f) of the Investment Company
    Instruction 1(b).                           Act of 1940

| 1. Name and Address of Reporting Person(1) | 2. Issuer Name and Ticker or Trading Symbol  |6. Relationship of Reporting Person to|
| Reed           James                M.     | Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. (MLM)        |     Issuer (Check all applicable)    |
|--------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------|                                      |
| (Last)          (First)          (Middle)  | 3. IRS Identification   | 4.  Statement For  |  [X] Director      [ ] 10% Owner     |
|                                            |    Number of Reporting  |     Month/Year     |  [ ] Officer (give [ ] Other (Specify|
|                                            |    Person, if an Entity |                    |              title           below)  |
| 7484 E. Thorntree Drive                    |    (Voluntary)          |     5/2001         |              below)                  |
|                                            |                         |                    |                                      |
|--------------------------------------------|                         |--------------------|--------------------------------------|
|                (Street)                    |                         | 5. If Amendment,   |7. Individual or Joint/Group Filing   |
|                                            |                         |    Date of Original|   (Check applicable line)            |
| Scottsdale         AZ             85262    |                         |    (Month/Year)    |   [X] Form Filed by One              |
|                                            |                         |                    |       Reporting Person               |
|--------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------|   [ ] Form Filed by More Than        |
| (City)           (State)           (Zip)   |                                              |       One Reporting Person           |
|                                            |                                              |                                      |
|                        TABLE 1 -- NON-DERIVATIVE SECURITIES ACQUIRED, DISPOSED OF, OR BENEFICIALLY OWNED                         |
|1. Title of Security |2. Transaction     |3. Transac-   |4. Securities Acquired (A) | 5. Amount of Se-   |6. Owner-    |7. Nature |
|   (Instr. 3)        |   Date            |   tion Code  |   or Disposed of (D)      |    curities Benefi-|   ship      |   of In- |
|                     |   (Month/Day/     |   (Instr. 8) |                           |    cially Owned at |   Form:     |   direct |
|                     |   Year)           |              |                           |    End of Month    |   Direct    |   Benefi-|
|                     |                   |              |   (Instr. 3, 4 and 5)     |    (Instr. 3 and 4)|   (D) or    |   cial   |
|                     |                   |--------------|---------------------------|                    |   Indirect  |   Owner- |
|                     |                   | Code  |  V   |    Amount  | (A) or| Price|                    |   (I)       |   ship   |
|                     |                   |       |      |            | (D)   |      |                    |   (Instr. 4)|   (Instr.|
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |   4)     |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |
|                     |                   |       |      |            |       |      |                    |             |          |


                                  (E.G., PUTS, CALLS, WARRANTS, OPTIONS, CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES)

|1. Title of Derivative |  2. Conver-  |3. Trans- |4. Trans- |5. Number of    | 6. Date Exer-   |7. Title and Amount |8. Price     |
|   Security            |     sion or  |   action |   action |   Derivative   |    cisable and  |   of Underlying    |   of        |
|   (Instr. 3)          |     Exercise |   Date   |   Code   |   Securities   |    Expiration   |   Securities       |   Deriv-    |
|                       |     Price of |   (Month/|   (Instr.|   Acquired (A) |    Date         |   (Instr. 3 and 4) |   ative     |
|                       |     Deriv-   |   Day/   |   8)     |   or Disposed  |    (Month/Day/  |                    |   Secur-    |
|                       |     ative    |   Year)  |          |   or (D)       |    Year)        |                    |   ity       |
|                       |     Security |          |          |   (Instr. 3,   |                 |                    |   (Instr. 5)|
|                       |              |          |          |   4, and 5)    |-----------------|--------------------|             |
|                       |              |          |          |                | Date   |Expira- |        |  Amount or|             |
|                       |              |          |----------|----------------| Exer-  |tion    | Title  |  Number of|             |
|                       |              |          | Code| V  |  (A)   |  (D)  | cisable|Date    |        |  Shares   |             |
|Stock Units (1)        | 1-for-1      |5/22/2001 |  A  |  V |1,146.00|       |  (1)   |  (1)   |Common  | 1,146.00  | 41.02       |
|                       |              |          |     |    |        |       |        |        |Stock   |           |             |
|Stock Units (1)        | 1-for-1      |5/22/2001 |  A  |  V |   10.00|       |  (1)   |  (1)   |Common  |    10.00  | 51.27       |
|                       |              |          |     |    |        |       |        |        |Stock   |           |             |
|                       |              |          |     |    |        |       |        |        |        |           |             |
|                       |              |          |     |    |        |       |        |        |        |           |             |
|                       |              |          |     |    |        |       |        |        |        |           |             |
|                       |              |          |     |    |        |       |        |        |        |           |             |


|   9.  Number of     |      10. Ownership            |   11. Nature of      |
|       Derivative    |          Form of              |       Indirect       |
|       Securities    |          Derivative           |       Beneficial     |
|       Beneficially  |          Security:            |       Ownership      |
|       Owned at End  |          Direct (D)           |       (Instr. 4)     |
|       of Month      |          or Indirect (I)      |                      |
|       (Instr. 4)    |          (Instr. 4)           |                      |
|                     |                               |                      |
|                     |              D                |                      |
|   3,740.09          |              D                |                      |
|                     |                               |                      |
|                     |                               |                      |
|                     |                               |                      |
|                     |                               |                      |
Explanation of Responses:
1. The stock units were accrued under the Martin Marietta Materials, Inc. Common Stock Purchase Plan for Directors (the "Plan")
and are to be settled in cash and/or stock in a lump sum or in installments not to exceed 10 years commencing on (i) the date
the reporting person ceases to be a Non-Employee Director or (ii) the date that is one month and one year following the date
the reporting person ceases to be a Non-Employee Director, in accordance with the reporting person's election under the Plan.

(*) Intentional misstatements or omissions of facts constitute Federal Criminal       /s/ James M. Reed                  7-16-01
    Violations. See 18 U.S.C. 1001 and 15 U.S.C. 78ff(a).                             --------------------------------   ----------
                                                                                      Signature of Reporting Person(*)   Date

Note. File three copies of this form, one of which must be manually signed.           James M. Reed                      Page 2
      If space provided is insufficient, see Instruction 6 for procedure.
                            (Print or Type Responses)